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Newbie Seeks Advice

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by jimbenge, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. jimbenge

    jimbenge New Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    san diego ca

    My wife was out of town so I traded in my BMW K75 for a 1200R Sportster. The Sportster has the SE A/C already installed and may have a Jet Kit as well. The Carb has been into because the plug for the idle air adjust is accessable. At any rate I plan on getting the Delux kit from Harley Performance anyway to start off fresh. Questions are:
    (1) I live in California and expect we may see emmision inspections soon, If I drill the slide and have to rejet put stock mufflers back on and charcoal canister will I still pass smog. Do I really have to drill the slide to get acceptaple performance ?
    (2) haven't bought the slip on mufflers yet, looking at cycle shacks on ebay, any advice on what slip ons to use that are reasonable cost yet still perform ?
    Thanks in advance...........Jim......
  2. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    jimbenge - Hiya from NE Indiana -
    In answer to drilling the slide DON'T - Read the articles posted on this before making any purchase plans. KENFUZED has some good info on why not and I didn't read it before I got mine in. Needless to say I had to go and buy another slide - the difference was very noticable after changing out the slides. Also I think he has a kit you might find useful and he can give the tech help ya need in this forum.
    As for Cal. laws on smog - I can't help ya there but I'm sure someone will chime in who knows more than I about them.
    Good luck on your new ride - hope the wife enjoys it too.:)
  3. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    double d's for exaust for the money sound, and performance, (first time with dub'd's)love'em payed 150.00 for short shots.
  4. BluePearl

    BluePearl New Member

    Jun 7, 2006
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    Ontario Canada
    Definitely read this sections posts,I can't help you with the carb(me and cardboard are on the darkside - EFI) but I gotta say cool on tradin the beemer while the wife is away :cool: Hope your still around to finish up your Sporty when she gets back lol
  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    kenfused is from your area and is up to date on the emissions...i am sure he will chime in here to guide you threw with regards to carburetors and emissions....
  6. jimbenge

    jimbenge New Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    san diego ca
    Got and installed the Stage 1 Kit

    Got the kit this afternoon and spent a couple of hours removing the carb cleanining it up and installing the delux kit, EZ-just and chrome carb top. Everything went pretty smooth. As I suspected the carb had been rejetted. It had a 46 slow and 185 main, who ever did it also installed a brass fuel inlet. I suspect it was a shop because they used the crimp hose clamps. Also yesterday I discovered the exhaust manifold nuts on the head were missing. I think the previous owner may have had after market pipes on the bike and probably put the stock pipes back on and sold the aftermarket pipes separately (don't know). Anyway I put the 45 slow and 180 main in and it runs pretty good, the mid range and WOT seem improved, I am still getting a cough here and there, but when I did my WOT runs tonight I may have been adjusting the EZ-just the wrong way as it was only open one turn when I got back. Will make some runs and adjustments tommorow. At this point I just have the Screaming Eagle Air Cleaner on the bike with stock pipes, I was hoping to get some imput from someone of slip on mufflers. Don't be shy, give me your recomendations, I have been looking at MCM.s Tedd.s, RADII, and Cycle Shacks on EBAY, all are reasonable price.

    PS: The bike has less than 4K miles on it and the carb was pretty dirty, I guess from the breather tubes routed into the throat of the carb. Is there a hot setup to re-route that oily mess ?

    thanks in advance..........JIM.........
  7. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    The first thing that catches my attention is your mention of the header pipes missing their nuts. My rule of thumb with exhausts has always been to replace the exhaust header gaskets every time I remove the pipes. Doesn't matter if they are brand new or look okay, I believe that once they are compressed they no longer conform or seal to the flange after removal. Leaking exhaust flanges contribute to a good number of the problems that are often blamed on carburetors. The first thing I would do is replace those gaskets. Get that area well sealed so you have a clean slate to begin your tuning with. Screamin' Eagle has one of the better gaskets IMO.

    Regarding slip-ons - just my own personal thoughts but I wouldn't buy ANYTHING from Tedd's (aka V-Twin Mfg) as they are very well known for producing poor quality knock-offs and knowingly ripping off any product they can to reproduce over in Asia. Everything else they sell is just other manufacturers aftermarket parts. In my book they are simply posers making money off the backs of others.

    Back to mufflers - Not real familiar with MCM, thought they were only making sportsbike parts. Cycle Shack has been a good standard slip-on for many years. I personally like my Rush slip-ons that I have now. They sell them with different sized baffles, I opted for the 1.75" baffles as they are quieter than the 2" but have more WOT bark than the 1.5". They were also less expensive than the SE mufflers which are fairly quiet unless you punch them.

    I also really like Python, previously had the older Python AR's but I hear the newer Python 3 slip-ons for XL's have a nice sound.
  8. hoodrulesrk

    hoodrulesrk New Member

    May 5, 2009
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    as far as the oil mess, run your oil level between the hash marks (in the middle would be good). That keeps it from getting into the breather, but still leaves you enough to run. Just be sure to stay on top of it, and not let it get any lower.
  9. jimbenge

    jimbenge New Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    san diego ca
    Todays Run

    Ken, thanks for your response, I will take your advice on the mufflers for sure. This morning I took the 1200R out for another run, it coughed once at start up because I closed the choke before it was warmed up. Ended up 1-5/8 turns on the EZ-Just and no coughs, spits or backfires at all after warm up. I coulden't even get it to cough when opening the throttle fast after extended idle. The bike runs really clean with much improved mid-range. Throttle response is also excellant although I diden't drill the slide. Seems to be very good as is. Yes I already bought the exhaust gaskets but wasen't going to put them on until I got the new mufflers. Will I have to re-jet once I put the mufflers on ? or will the EZ-Just take care of it ? I am running the 45 slow and 180 main with the SE A/C and stock muffllers right now. Thanks for a great product, and your forum which prepared me for what to do and expect making it a snap to put the kit in and get dialed in. I would highly recommend your kit to anyone. ........... JIM........
  10. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    When you get the new mufflers I would stick with the jetting you have and only adjust the mixture screw as needed. You may need to back it out very slightly if at all. Great to hear its running so good for you.
  11. jimbenge

    jimbenge New Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    san diego ca
    Haven't been able to get on this site for quite some time, now it's working again so I'll give you my update. Was still haveing coughing problems and smooth transition in mid range. Was getting a cough at about 2,800 RPM (to lean) was not running smooth at mid range and seemed like it was down on torque. Finally settled on this combination and bike runs great at all engine speeds. 185 Main 45 idle jets, shimmed the neddle (your needle) .030" with a small brass washer, and went back to the stock spring. The light spring seemd to cause the slide to jump a lot at slow engine speeds and flutter if I hit a bump. Changed the mufflers to a 3-1/4" baffled slip-ons made by Freedom Exhaust (new muffler, not out yet) bought on EBay (pretty lould, but sound great). Anyway the bike really runs great now and still getting good MPG's. Thanks for your input, and my dumb questions. Took me 3 times to get it right, but it was worth the effort.

  12. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    good to here your back with us ,& for the up date on your bike ride safe & enjoy it :cool:

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