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Not a mechanic

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Harleywyld1, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Harleywyld1

    Harleywyld1 New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Waxhaw NC
    OK ya'll I'm going to show my ignorance. I have a 97 FXSTC. When I purchased the bike I was told it had a Thunderslide carb or carb kit. I am no mechanic and I would like to know if anyone has any info on this type of carb. Also when I take the breather off is there any thing obivious that will tell me what type of carb I do have?
    We all had to start somewhere so don't laugh to hard.
    Thanks for any info.
  2. Harleywyld1

    Harleywyld1 New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Waxhaw NC

    Thanks for the info LowRiderGhost.
    I've had the bike for about 3 years but always had a shop do the work on it. I guess this is as good a time as any for me to really check out my bike. I do have a parts manual that I bought at the local shop but since I bought the bike 2nd hand I don't know how much that will help. Thanks again.
  3. Harleywyld1

    Harleywyld1 New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Waxhaw NC

    I appreciate the advice LRG.
    I'm going to start this weekend just like you said. It's due an overall nut and bolt tightening session anyway since my kickstand almost fell off this weekend during a local poker run (but that's another story).
    Thanks again for the help. Ride safe
  4. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA

    What you're talking about a thunderslide isn't a carb but a performance kit for Khelin CV carbs that come stock on HD's.

    It consists of a lighter spring, different slide (lighter material plastic probably black) a different needle and some jets. In short its a tuning kit with a lighter slide for better response.

    Sometimes they work great sometimes not.

    If you have a stock motor stock cams then usually changing the needle and adjusting the air mix screw is all you need to do but in that you have the kit if it's working leave it alone LOL

    A slide or Mikuni carb has a flatslide plate as you twist the throttle the plate comes up and there is nothing behind it, on a CV if the motors not running and you twist the throttle you'll see fuel go into the carb but the slide won't rise, that's because it works with the intake of air, the air pressure pushes the cv (Constant Velocity) slide up, so at anytime you're opening the carb up the butterfly is behind the slide and the slide maintains velocity of air to fill the chambers.

    They work great and are great performance carbs when setup properly.
  5. Harleywyld1

    Harleywyld1 New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Waxhaw NC
    I knew I was in the right place.

    Like I said earlier I am not a mechanic by any stretch. Thanks hotroadking for the information and the explanation. I have been experiencing some hesitation when I first crank the throttle. This happens when the bike is cold or riding temp. I have been concidering putting the bike on a dyno and then following the advice of the shop guys. What do ya'll think?
  6. CD

    CD Guest

    It is great that you are beginning to wrench on your own. There are a lot of folks here that can help with advice and knowledge. A couple of things I would consider before starting are:

    1. Get a service manual and parts book for your bike. Get the OE HD not an aftermarket one as the HD manual is specific to your bike. These are the two most important tools you will have and will keep you out of trouble if you follow them.

    2. Always take notes of the settings or positions of parts etc. Pictures work great if you want to make sure you reassemble things the same way.

    3. Before you make an adjustment or remove something for the first time, see number 1 and find out how that part works before starting.

    From what you describe, you may have an intake vacuum leak. Has the idle speed changed? Does it change from cold to hot? Could also be that you need a tweak on the idle circuit or, there might be a little water in the bowl....Could even be ignition related.

    What you have to do is narrow it down. Check for a vacuum leak by warming the bike up and while idling, squirt a small stream of WD40 onto the intake flanges at the head. Go around the mating surface and the joint of the flange to the manifold. Listen for any change in RPM and if it does noticeably change, reseal the manifold.

    No immediate need for a shop or a dyno from what you describe.

    Keep us posted.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2006
  7. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mouseville USA
    Yep good idea that SM without one you are shooting in the dark,
  8. Harleywyld1

    Harleywyld1 New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Waxhaw NC
    Thanks CD.
    As a matter of fact the idle has changed recently. To me it seems like it idles faster now than it has in the past. We are preparing the bikes this weekend to ride to the Myrtle Beach SC Fall Rally next weekend so I will definitly try the WD-40 trick you described. If that doesn't make a difference I will check some of the other items.
    Thanks for the help, I'll keep ya'll posted
  9. gumby321

    gumby321 New Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    No One Is Laughing

    HELLO, And let me welome you to my "NOT A WRENCH CLUB" we non wrenchers take an oath to do one thing and one thing only. Is try and start to become a wrench. I too am clueless when it comes to a wrench. I just became a non virgin two weeks ago. I went in for the first time.
    My first experiance was scarry and still is to this day. I have not gotten over it yet. This week I will get the heads back from my 91 FXR. Remember this don't forget protection. Wear latex gloves but don't lube them. There should be enough lube when you go in. so don't fear there is a club forming now.
    I have not come up with any12 steps as of yet. I will try to get that going for the next meeting of the N.A.W.C. Remember you are not alone. You didn't become a N.A.W. in one day. It took years of paying and paying. They said the first one was free. I have yet to get a freebee. So fear no more and just stop saying N.A.W I won't do it. I will pay and keep paying.

    MEETINGs ARE EVERYDAY ...24 HOURS A DAY...JUST ASK QUESTIONS.. AND STOP SAYING " N.A.W. I am not doing that "!!!! Welcome to the club
  10. gumby321

    gumby321 New Member

    Jul 13, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Sorry I forgot to sign my name

    Gumby:D Peace
  11. Harleywyld1

    Harleywyld1 New Member

    Feb 15, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Waxhaw NC
    Sign me up

    Thanks Gumby.
    It's good to know that I am not alone in the dark wilderness of " not a clue".
    I feel like I definitely have the creditials to be a member of N.A.W.C.
    I did take the breather off this weekend to get a look at the carb. It has HD stamped on the side of it so at least I know a little more now. The bike is not running bad but I can tell a little hestiation when I crack the throttle. CD I will try the WD 40 trick next time.
    I am proud to report one thing to the club. I had begun to notice that the bike was leaning more and more on the kickstand. I have forward controls on the bike and the ks is bolted to the plate that the forward controls are bolted to, which is bolted to the frame. Ok, after checking all the bolts I found one loose and tighted it up. All this did was pull the shifter linkage into the side of the motor. I could not see any more bolts so I said the heck with it and un-bolted the ks from the plate. Lo and behold there was three more bolts behind the plate for the kickstand. One of which was rounded off and the other two were loose. I replaced bad bolt and tightened the rest and everything was good. Amazing how good that can make you feel when you get something right.
    Thanks for the help guys and I will let you know about the carb.
  12. gumby321

    gumby321 New Member

    Jul 13, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Cd Is The Man For Sure

    He has given me so much advise I feel I need to pay him. The only way to do that is buy items from Direct Parts. I have been sending e mails to them but I am not getting threw or something is happening when I send the e mails.
    So I am going to call them right after I get off the line with you.
    Really don't be affraid to ask. I did not know what a nose cone was. CD told me if I had the nose cone off you might as well do this to it. So for an hour or so I am looking up in the book for nose cones.
    I asked someone in the Forum and CD saw it and dropped me another line saying that "Nose Cone" is slang for the cam cover. So how stupid do you think I felt? There I am looking in the book for nose cone for an hour...HELLO McFLY !!!!! I am off to give them a call. welcome to the club. I think I am getting my heads back to day !!!!!! So now I will be waiting for all the parts I will need to put it together. I will keep you posted on the Forum. Then I will have to swear you into N.A.W. Watch how big the club will grow. You can be the vice prez. Since you came in second. I will be Prez and collect the dues. All dues go for parts to my bike when needed....GUMBY321 PEACE

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