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Occasional carb fart

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by docx98, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. docx98

    docx98 New Member

    Jun 25, 2008
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    OK I bought the deluxe carb kit with the EZ-Just screw for my 2006 883L Sportie with the SE A/C and V&H Shortshots. Followed the instructions replacing the slow jet with a #44 and doing the spring and needle, emulsion tube and all that jazz. Warmed her up and did the screw in till stumble deal and backed it out to about 2 turns and started blipping the throttle. Even at 3+ turns out I get an occasional carb fart. Not near as bad as when its turned in but it still does it. It idles nice and rides great, I've yet to get a backfire or fart while riding, just blipping the throttle.
    There is some black smoke from the pipes when I rev it up and let it come back down. The smoke doesn't seem to be there at idle just on the downside of a rev.
    Is the occasional fart just a Harley trademark or do I need to go up another slow jet???
    By the way, I say carb fart.. I guess thats what its called, it "pops" from behind the A/C or at least thats what it sounds like to me. Doesn't seem to be coming from the pipes..
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    This may be more a condition of your short shot pipes and going up a jet size could make you run too rich. In fact if you are getting smoke out the tail pipe you might consider backing down a size on the main jet. The ez-just should reach its sweet spot approx 1/2 turn out from where it stumbled.

    The pop or fart back out the carb can also be caused by reversion flowing back up the pipes through the ports, common with short, drag, and unbaffled pipes.
  3. docx98

    docx98 New Member

    Jun 25, 2008
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    The black smoke is not at idle just when i rev the engine up a little not 3/4 throttle so wouldn't the main not even be in play here? It's just a small puff of smoke. Maybe its normal when blipping the throttle. If I rev it up and hold it theres no black smoke, just right after a medium size crack of the throttle.
    One thing I did not do according to the instructions was drill out the vacuum hole as I read online that shouldn't be done. Maybe the diaphragm isn't responding fast enough? Would that cause a pop every once in a while?
    It could just be the short pipes, it's not happening while riding so it's basically just an annoyance, maybe its normal. I'll keep messing with it.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008

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