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Off topic

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by tramp333, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. tramp333

    tramp333 New Member

    Jan 14, 2006
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    This isn't about bike's per say but rather just an observation of my own from reading some of these post's. Everywhere across North America one hear's of all the moral decay and how our society in general is going to hell in a hand basket, and then you go to an ordinary talk forum on mototcycle's and you see it just ain't so.
    Here you find average John Q public guy's just doing their sincere best to help out other ordinary guy's, with no thought of any sort of personal gain for once, and it make's you realize thing's just aren't all that bad just yet. These are the for real people speaking out just being themselve's, and I for one think it show's how most of these "problem's" being faced in our area's are more the invention of fear mongering polotitian's bent on creating more unrest in the country than there actually is, where the average citizen's concerned, but I just can't quite figure out what the reason's behind it all,:wtf: really are?
  2. wvak47

    wvak47 Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Chas WV
    Man haven't you heard? Bikers have more fun that people do.

    I am really new to bikes. I have done a bunch of reading on all kinds of sites and hung out with a bunch of other riders. I told a friend today I never realized I had been a biker for most of my adult life and never knew it. I have been a biker without a scoot, it is like a Christian without a soul. I have figured out that the bike isn't the basic ingredient to being a biker, MINDSET is the basic ingredient, the bike is the mixer. The bikes are what bring us together, but it is the mindset that makes us understand each other.

    I got to say if the government was ran as well and with as much honor and respect as most of the MCs are, this country would be better off for sure. May well be in more wars since we sure wouldn't take no sh*t from any other country, but I am sure the folks here would be on way fewer headmeds to cope with "reallity".

    Like the other sticker says. Reallity is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.
  3. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    You should check out my blog. Aside from some killer weather at times, it's 23 days of the most awesome ride around this country. As a female traveling alone, I had some concerns starting out. As it turned out, there was not one minute that I was concerned for my safety. I met so many great people, many of whom I still keep in contact with.

    I couldn't agree more. The media hypes all the evil crap and people are scared. I'd hate to be imprisoned by fear.

    Abby's Cross Country Ride

    All the good stuff is between July 20 and August 11.
  4. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    abby, your last sentence is great...it should be in your signiture.....
    "I'd hate to be imprisoned by fear"

    maybe change it a bit...i will never be imprisoned by fear......or similiar..

    hell, that may be a good title for your book!
  5. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Well you will never figure out what all the over paiid suits are thinking nor all the new;s media A lot of them aree getting up in age & most likey seen some of the movies from the late 60's or early 70's , Those movies put a fear in the JQ public & it stade with them all these years
    & Abby that's a great line you wrote I have lived that for many years & never thought about it :D
  6. fxdxriderleo

    fxdxriderleo Active Member

    Sep 16, 2007
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    Earlville, NY
    i think bike people are the best people! wyvak if our country was ran like mc's i think there would be less wars. others wouldn't f**k with us!!
  7. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    No doubt motorcyclists are the best. I've been invited into several good biker's home I've met on the net without seeing them first and they've become long lasting friendships. :cheers:
  8. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    that is very true sk.....has happened to me also! numurous times....
  9. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Motorcyclists don't live in inordinate fear, we accept that fear is just another part of us that makes us live, and it helps us know we are still living. Non-riders often do live in fear, and fear makes them hide from the parts of life that are difficult. They take comfort in handing off responsibilites to others. Riders know that even if it is the cager's fault, we still will pay more...so we just accept it to maintain our freedom.
    All dictators primarily use fear to govern, and all other governments make some/varying use of it to empower their rule...even ours. Can you say universal health insurance? I say pay for your own dang insurance or take the risk and pay as you go. Bird flu, swine flu, AIDs (for all, not the people really at risk), West Nile Virus or any of the "next great pandemics that will wipe out civilization"? We are still here. Man-made global warming? Another embarrassingly poorly constructed scam to take from our pockets or keep us in "our place" that the fear mongerers and pseudo-royals are pushing. When that runs out (it will - ice ages are far scarier, and we'll be creeping toward a global cool-down starting around 2020, if the cycle is as dependable as it has been) they'll switch to a new one...probably death by asteroid or killer tomatos or robot...ya get my drift.

    But back to the "Off topic" topic - yeah, bikers just seem to get over their fears so much quicker than others, and have so far less than others, and so are more fun to be around. As long as we can ride, we can live. Fear is for the other guy.

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