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Offset sprocket on sportster

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Onlygaz, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Onlygaz

    Onlygaz New Member

    Feb 9, 2013
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    Midlands England
    Hi everyone,
    I have a 2002 sportster hardtail, that has been converted to chain drive, and has a 6" rim on the rear, with a 190 tyre. I've been told that i need to put a 1.06" offset sprocket on, to line up the sprockets, but i have read that the maximum offset i can have is .900, without modifying the gearbox shaft / barings ? Can anyone advise me if this is correct, or can i use a bigger offset drive sprocket. What IS the maximum offset that i can use on a stock 883 sporty ? You guys over there know what you are doing, and i need proper help and advice, not just "it should fit " and "it should be ok" as i can't afford to fix it, if it goes tits up !!
    Thanks from across the pond !!

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