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Oil gushing from the air cleaner

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by mohoghunter, May 17, 2007.

  1. mohoghunter

    mohoghunter New Member

    May 17, 2007
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    Jefferson City, Missouri
    boy oh boy what a month, I start riding in May really heavy, ride to work every day, on the weekends...etc.

    I have a 2003 FLSTF with big bore kit, 17,000 miles...regular maintenance, ....
    first...nut comes off the shaft and lets the rotor get all messed up, breaks the ajuster shoe, ride for a day. Starter goes out....ride for a while, battery....ride for a while....pinion gear on jack shaft, ride for a while....now, I was riding down the highway and oil starts gushing from my air cleaner...blowing all down the side of the bike...and me. What is the problem?
    I called the machanic and he seemed not to know until we "dig into it"???
    Please help...thanks
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    sorry for all the problems ya had!!!! but on the oil....is it really gushing or just getting on you pants and rear of the bike. it is normal for oil to drip from the air cleaner if it is not serviced regulary, or the bike is ridden hard. the engine vents through the carb, and "supposed" to be drawn back into the engine through the throat of the carb/throttlebody. now, that said, i clean mine weekly....as it is a high milage bike....06...23k+, and gets a lot of 2up riding. there are kits out there to reroute the breather to the bottom of the bike, and they can also be fabbed pretty easly if you are handy with tools. now if it is gushing, you may have a loose bolt holding the backing plate, a broken or split rubber hose going into the filter assy, or worse case,,,blow by from; the engine. with only 17k i doubt that. when the big bore kit was installed, possibley the "vents" in the boxes wernt quite up to snuff.one other thinng, over filling the oil bag, fill it to the specs. in the manual, and check it as the manual instructs, differet from model to model....hope this helps a bit....keep us informed.
  3. mohoghunter

    mohoghunter New Member

    May 17, 2007
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    Jefferson City, Missouri
    Got it back

    Well in short, the flywheel (crankshaft on a car) was out of true...bent for a lack of better words.....come to find out the guy I bought the bike from was a big liar...no big bore kit.... So, now....big drum roll......it has a S&S 106 C.I. stroker kit in it...hell yea!!!

    500 miles and changing the oil tomorrow and get everything ajusted...a little noisy after the brake in.

    Guess what now???? my clutch is getting a little spongy...what should that cost to replace?

  4. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    First I think I would pay a visit to the liar you bought the bike from and slap the sh*t out of him! What a dou*hebag. I hate liars, and people that try to profit from it. I have no real good advice for you, just my sympathy for all your troubles. I have the same sh*tty luck. (we're not related are we?? :roflmao: )
  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    dont know the cost, as i dont know how much ya want to replace.....the clutches may be in good shape and only the springs need replaced. i would go to some of the places that sell clutches and see what it would cost...including all the parts to replace everything.....do a worse case senerio.....then see what ya need. how ya liking the new engine??!!!
  6. franksc

    franksc New Member

    Jun 30, 2007
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    the check ball in your oil pump may be sticking causing this problem i had a 91 lowrider that did samr thing and it was the check ball

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