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oil leak

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by jcamp42, Nov 11, 2004.

  1. jcamp42

    jcamp42 New Member

    Nov 11, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Hi, new here like to know if anyone knows how to fix oil leaking out of air clearner I have a 96 flhtcui thanks.
  2. Bobcat

    Bobcat New Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    Pima, AZ
    Does your crankcase breather hose go to the back of the air cleaner? Have you done any "improvements" to the engine? (Carb, cam, exhaust, etc.).
    How many miles on the engine? Do you ride it often? Could need a good ringin' out to free up the rings?
    Oh Yea, Welcome. :rolleyes:
  3. fatboyvtwin

    fatboyvtwin New Member

    Apr 17, 2004
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    Rock Springs, Wyoming
    The problem may be that you have over filled the oil tank. I have also seen this happen on very hot days combined with running the bike over 95mph for an extended time. One remedy may be to switch to synthetic oil. You will find that some people favor regular 20w 50 Harley oil over synthetic, and vice versa. I have riden Harleys for over 20 years and have always ran the 20w 50. But after buying my new 2004 Road king, I swiched to synthetic thru out the whole bike and have had good luck. Here is the direct parts tech web page that may help ya. https://www.directparts.com/static/articles/thecure.html Ride Safe, David.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2004
  4. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.

    I had oil in the air cleaner in my 98 flhrci and it would leak out and get on my saddle bag. I found that this oil came from the breather in the front head. I changed the Umbrella valve under the head cover. It was Rather easy to replace without having to remove the tank.

    The umbrella valve is in the middle rocker arm cover and while I had the cover out I debured the oil return whole. There was some casting and chrome crap stuck in it.

    The problem is mostly solved but you will always have some oil that you will have to wipe out of the air cleaner from time to time. At least it doesn't leak out on my saddle bag on long trips anymore.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2004

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