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Oil Leaking from pipe? of Generator

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by DVDLLN, Apr 2, 2005.


    DVDLLN New Member

    Apr 2, 2005
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    I am piecing together a 1968 XLCH that I picked up over the winter.
    I just about have everything hooked up where it ought to go.

    One of the last things I did was hook up the "empty" oil tank.

    I started cranking on it - just to check out compression - and I started to have a little bit of oil coming out of a pipe from the generator.

    Oil tank is still empty.
    When I first goy the bike a few months ago, I squirted a few spoonful of 10w30 in both cylinders because the bike had been sitting quite a few years-just to loosen things up a bit.

    Does this sound normal? I know to expect some oil dripping from places on these older ironheads - this just seemed a bit unusual.

    Thanks for ant thoughts.

  2. bxbutch

    bxbutch New Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    that pipe is the crankcase vent you probably have oil in the crankcase from sitting

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