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Oil Pressure

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Mayor, May 5, 2009.

  1. Mayor

    Mayor New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Northeast Alabama
    Long story short......Got two new tires mounted and decited to let them change the oil while I was there (usually change it myself) Last weekend we rode hard to the Smokies....When we droped off the interstate in Sevierville for the first time my oil light came on....I had noticed the pressure was not hardly up to snuff the last 100 miles (nothing to worry about though) Pulled in to check the oil and was a little hotter than I thought it should be. After we ate and messed around, got back on the bikes the oil pressure was great again.....got in traffic down town...bike get a little hot and pressure dropped again....(just on idle) Now I realize the heat is affecting the pressure.....the only time I had seen anything close to this is when the manifo gaskets were shot.....got some WD-40 and checked them out...No leaks.....Stopped by the Harley store let them check it out and they could not find anything (bike had cooled) Thought about the guy who changed my oil was sucking on a left handed smoke.....Hummmmmm....might have got the oil mixed up.....I decited to let the Harley store change the oil again to make sure.....Maybe this is a short story long........Any ideas

    I have always used regular Harley 20-50 with no trouble and I know some are going to say go to the syn......I was going to go to Amsoil, but, they only had the Harley........Bike has about 40k

    I am sure the engine heat is causing the trouble, but, I need help with some ideas of what is causing the heat......Pressure is great till I get out about 70 miles.......Bike runs great even when hot!! Bike didn`t set up through winter......:wtf:
  2. BluePearl

    BluePearl New Member

    Jun 7, 2006
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    Ontario Canada
    Idle pressure

    What does your pressure drop to at idle? Is it 1-2lbs less then normal or are we talking 5lbs? Is your oil light still coming on or flashing once in awhile?
  3. duke76

    duke76 New Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    NW Iowa
    Have you checked your tensioners, at 40 K I would if they got thin and break off they can scratch or score the oil pump and that would cause the pressure to drop especially when hot, I have heard of pieces of the tensioner causing the oil light to come on, when it is apart you can but in a new Baisley oil spring to up you pressure a bit. Todd
  4. Mayor

    Mayor New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Northeast Alabama
    Just shows 0..32..60.....I would guess 2 to 5 lbs.....That has always been about normal with both the 05 and 06 bikes....but, the heat and light comming on is what worries me......When the bike is cool idles at about 15 to 17 and pegs 32 at 2000 rpm......Takes about 50 to 70 miles to get hot.....Rode around 80 miles yesterday without stopping and didn`t notice anything........Could be lean fuel........Bike runs great all the time! (hot or cool) Stage 1 and Vance and Hines with factory down load.....Had a little more pop on decel after down load last spring.....Put about 20K on it in the last year......Could be lean??? I am old school using regular HD oil.....After reading on this forum the last 2 ro 3 months I am leaning more to Amsoil or Redline syn if it will help the heat.....Think this would make a difference.....
  5. Mayor

    Mayor New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Northeast Alabama
    Maybe.....I know this is something else I need to check......Oil pressure is great till the bike get hot....Seems the oil is breaking down when the bike gets too hot......Thanks
  6. BluePearl

    BluePearl New Member

    Jun 7, 2006
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    Ontario Canada
    My 06 idles at about the same 15-17 - but cool or hot. I just put the Amsoil syn in all around but havn't had chance to "Hot Test" it because of my pinched nerve problem, but I don't think your dino-oil is the problem! Running to lean is a good bet for your higher engine temps. Your dealer should be able to check the codes if the light is still coming on they should be able to get something there!
  7. Mayor

    Mayor New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Northeast Alabama
    Thanks....guess that is my next step.....
  8. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA

    what kind of tires did they put on, maybe they have a higher friction content and are transferring heat through the forks to the frame and then into the engine....:roflmao:

    Sorry I'm an ahole

    Well I would pull the cam cover, inspect the tensioners and the oil pump, put in new o-rings in the pump they deteriorate over time.

    Also there is a plunger on the top of the cam plate, pull it out and give it the once over with some emery cloth so that it slides in and out easily.

    Now down at the bottom of the cam plate you'll see an opening, it has a pin across it, pull the pin, and watch for the spring to come out.

    get a couple of #10 brass washers place on top of the spring and push down in the whole, then insert the pin. This will increase oil pressure...
  9. BluePearl

    BluePearl New Member

    Jun 7, 2006
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    Ontario Canada
  10. Mayor

    Mayor New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Northeast Alabama
    Sounds like a lot of work for my simple little mind!!!! Maybe it is the doomaflot sensor:roflmao:

    So much rain I didn`t get to ride yesterday.......but, last night I was thinking that I need to put some stuff on ebay.....(including a set of canvas lowers I had bought for Tonie`s trike before I got the regular Ultra lower with vents) Don`t use them if it is over 50 degrees!!!! We ride a lot in the Winter with vents closed......Maybe it is because I was riding with the vents closed in 85 degrees.....After 70 or so miles with not much air on the motor could cause this trouble...First time with this trouble and the first time to ride with the vents closed in hot weather this year!!!.....If I find this does not help I will get the manual down and find that doomaflot sensor:roflmao:

    I just love it when I do stupid things :gah:
  11. 08XModel

    08XModel New Member

    Jul 6, 2008
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    My 08 runs warmer with Python mufflers. I had a digital dipstick but finally took it out cause I was looking at it all the time. When fully warmed it will idle at 5 psi. Once going will go up and stay at 32 psi. I also ran canvas lowers on a hot day and made the motor hotter. I run amsoil 20-50 and have had no problems. I have a tough time running petroleum based oil in a bike that runs so hot from the factory. I feel better knowing that I has a good syn oil in the bike.
  12. Mayor

    Mayor New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Northeast Alabama
    Bike still the same....vents didn`t make any difference......still looking to any help....(other than doomaflop) :roflmao:

    Might be the download the way it takes a while to get hot?????

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