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Old Man Winter

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by AFNurse, Feb 26, 2005.

  1. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    Well, I tempted fate..... Sun was out, temps in the 37-38 degree range.... I call the insurance company and said these fateful words...."I want to re-activate my insurance and take my bike out of winter storage...." She replied "when do you want to make this effective?" I replied "Now!".....so I have a very nice ride into work.....first ride since I put the bike up in November...so I come out of work tonite around 11pm......and it is SNOWING!!! Thankfully, roads were wet and slightly slick and not ICE and SLIPPARY!!! I had a slow, cautious ride home in this wet winter wonderland..... Hope this crap goes away soon, as I think my bike is "out of storage for the season!"!!!! :cool:
  2. usahellas

    usahellas New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Lawrenceville, Georgia
    It is all AFNurses fault

    Everybody else in Germany still has the battery out!!! :eek:

    FREAKING COLD HERE!! Woke up this morning with 10 degrees Fahrenheit and they are calling snow flurries again today and tonight. Todays high is supposed to be somewhere around 27 or so. The Saturday where AFNurse took a ride we were up around 38. :(

    Nope no signs of spring yet. Not here in Germany!!!! JUST FREEZING Thanks to AFNurse and the ground hog. what is his name again "Poooksawhatadidisee? Darn Groundhog :D
  3. wmiconi

    wmiconi New Member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    Richmond, VA
    Ground Hog Name

    Punks a tawnee "PHIL" I butchered the spelling on purpose for the riders that have frozen heads!!!

    I am putting my scoot back together and of course we get SNOW.

  4. usahellas

    usahellas New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Lawrenceville, Georgia
    Thanks for the spelling correction, although I am rather proud of my creativeness!!! :p

    Yep that is him!!! Heard that "Phil" is getting older now and that he might retire. Hmmmmm maybe getting a younger one in will give us shorter winters. :rolleyes:
  5. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    A friend and I were working on my addition this past Saturday here in New England. We were bringing some things in and out through the garage and noticed that for the first time in a while here it was warm out. Warm being a relative term, it was about 40-45 degrees F. Needless to say, we didn't get much work done. We turned on the bikes and hit the buttons. We scrambled around to find gloves, helmets, etc. and took a spin. Wow! Did we have fun!. Even filled my garage with smoke when we got back ;) There's now a little salt and sand on them but it was worth it. Now I can't wait for Spring. Unfortunatley, thy're already talking snow for tonight and again over the weekend so I don't think there will be any more little spins for at least another few weeks :( We might have to move south next winter.

    Happy rinding and be safe.
  6. wmiconi

    wmiconi New Member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    Richmond, VA
    Funny stuff

    Rode yesterday- 70 degrees at 5 pm. 11 Am today and inch of snow and still coming!

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