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Overhauled CV Completely

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by TheJamster1, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. TheJamster1

    TheJamster1 Member

    Jan 31, 2012
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    2003 Sporty XLH1200, Stock Exhaust (1 1/4" holed sawed through baffle center) Hypercharger AC, New intake and exhaust gaskets (confirmed no intake leak) and Completely Rebuilt carb, New vacuum piston, new accel pump, stage 1 kit, drilled piston, 45 slow, 180 main, needle, 2 1/4 to 3 on mixer, still carb farts @ blip. I added an .020 shim under needle got a little better, power on high end is awesome, not rich at all. Mixer out to 3 1/4 turns. Should I add another .020 under needle or go up to 48 slow??


    Last edited: Feb 1, 2012
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Alvin TX
    I would start by finding some kind of baffles for those stright pipes , Now listen I have gutted out 3 1/2 mufflers on my Eglide But have big city baffles in them still loud but no card farts as for your carb the 3 1/2 turns out miight be 1/2 turn to much .I know someone wigh more knowledge on carbs will jump in
  3. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    How much or how large did you drill the slide piston? If drilled 1/8" that could be the cause.

    More then likely you are getting reversion with the straight pipes or you have a slight vacuum leak at the manifold. A #45 and 2-3/4 turns out on the mixture screw is usually more than enough. You could try a #46 pilot but any larger and you are compensating for a leak somewhere.

    Be sure you have a new set of exhaust gaskets on your head pipes, this can also be a source of popping.
  4. TheJamster1

    TheJamster1 Member

    Jan 31, 2012
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    The pipes were knocked out with a screwdriver by previous owner, I just cleaned them up with a hole saw. He said it always carb farted when cold. I used the bit you sent with the kit. When I warm it up, it could take 15 minutes. I put new exhaust and intake gaskets on manifolds. I guess I could take it to work and put our smoke machine on it to check for leaks on both. Could the timing effect it. I couldn't see the marks very well. It could be a few degrees off. I will smoke test 1st and then get back to you.
  5. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    The 2 most common methods of testing for a vacuum leak around the manifold are:
    1) Spray WD40 or carb cleaner around the manifold (messy),
    2) Using a propane torch open the valve and wave the unlit tip around the manifold. Emphasis on UNLIT.

    Either method will cause the running engine to slow or change RPMs when the WD40 or propane gas is drawn in by a detected vacuum leak.

    Warning about using propane or other flammables, (Ken's disclaimer): Don't use propane around an open flame, cigarette hangin out of your mouth, or in close proximity of your kid while he burns bugs with a magnifying glass. All of these will get you or others burned, seriously injured, or worse, on your wife's bad side for a very long time. It's also a quick way of giving your Harley's paint job that old worn look while removing of your uni-brow and ear hair all in one POOF! You've been warned, proceed at your own risk.

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