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Performance improvements for XL 1200

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by NicClarenF1, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. NicClarenF1

    NicClarenF1 New Member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Bloomingdale, IL
    I have a 2006 XL 1200 L that I purchased late last year. Not many miles yet, but I will work on that as soon as the weather breaks. The two things I know I want to do is add a new air intake and slip on mufflers. I am looking for help in choosing the products that will give me the best bang for the buck. I have read the various forums and I know there are a lot of choices, but I would like to hear the good and bad of the different products. There are a lot of choices out there. Also looking for the final answer about re-jetting. Do I need to do it? I can trade the bike back to the dealer within 18 months and they will give me what I paid for it so I don't want too crazy......yet.
  2. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    there is a great article in the cyclist mag this month on rejetting or it so far is havent read it all yet, any way you will have to look at the different climates/altitudes you will be riding in and adjust according to your situation.as for performance tips every one has their own ideas as for me the best performance part for the buck is a k-n or equivalent filter, it increases your milage, ponys, and best of all when properly cleaned is reusable, after that throw down with some syn oil and hot plugs.and shop for a swinging deal on some slip ons or two into ones. but heck thats just one opinion.

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