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Performance problem

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Roadster, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. Roadster

    Roadster New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    :confused: Hello, I have an 84 HD Roadster. Every time I "get on it" it starts to sputter and cut-out. In the first three gears it sputters some and then finally goes, but in fourth gear (only have four gears) it seems to flood-out unless I let off then it goes ok but I can't go more than 60 mph with out it cutting out again. I've tried re-jetting, I have a S&S Super E carb. I tried from a main jet of 58 up to 70 and an intermediate from 028 to 029.5. Also I keep fouling out the rear plug. I don't know what to do to fix this. Please help!
  2. ironhead

    ironhead New Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    join the club!!

    I've got an 84XLX ....does the bike smell gassy? maybe you're too lean...do you have differant pipes or air cleaner/filter then you had before.....a friend of mine swears by those "third-circuit" kits for S&S you have to drill them in...but supposedly they make the carb alot smoother....is the choke functioning right? maybe your manifolds are sucking air.....it sounds like you have done the jet circus already!! if your ironhead is stock,maybe a super b would be a better choice :D
  3. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    I'm no expert on ironheads or S&S carbs as I've never had either but, if its fouling plugs and sputtering before it will finally take off...I'm thinking you're too rich and need to back those jets down the other way. Maybe you could find a hotter plug to see if it would burn cleaner and keep from fouling as an experiment.
  4. HD DOC FL

    HD DOC FL New Member

    Oct 19, 2004
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    Make Sure Your Not Sucking Air In The Manifold Or In The Vacume Line Whish Should Be Pluged On Your Bike Or Between The Carb And Manifold. 29.5 Slow Jet Is Good ,your Mian Should Be A 68 Once Installed Shut Off Accellerator Pump, Ajust The Idle Jet Gas /air When Its Right Turn The Accellerator Pump Out 2.5 Turns Crack The Wick A Few Times If Good No Hesitation. If It Stubles Back Out The Accell .5 Turn And So On Till You Have It Right. Good Luck! ALSO CHECH YOUR GROUNDS.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2004
  5. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Check the enricher, it adds fuel, if it is not seating properly when closed you could be dumping a ton of fuel in the carb. Missaligned backing plate or a bent enricher arm not letting it drop all the way down could be your culprit.
  6. Roadster

    Roadster New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Thank you!

    Thanks alot for all your replies, I'm going to try all the suggestions. I'm learning as I go. I also want to thank Dave for sending me the e-mail. I don't mean to get sappy but I have had this problem with my bike for over a year and have tried to find any kind of an answer, this is the only place I was able to get any kind of a straight answer that made sense. So thanks again and I will definately be coming here again, to also help if I can.

    "IRONHEAD" you mentioned "third-circuit" kits, I don't know what that is, could you tell me where to find info? Thanks

    "HD DOC FL" you mention the vacume line, on mine it goes to something on top of the manifold, not sure what it is, should I plug and see what happens or could that hurt more?

    Last edited: Nov 13, 2004
  7. ironhead

    ironhead New Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    thunder jet

    :D the actual name for it is thunder jet fuel kits they run about 65-70 bucks....you can get them from about any aftermarket source...they are supposed to clear up air to fuel ratios according to my friend, they are not difficult to install...a couple of holes drilled through the carb...they make them for almost every carb including s&s if you can't find it,e-mail me at pkeegan@speednet.com :)

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