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phx to utah

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by jbaits, Aug 3, 2018.

  1. jbaits

    jbaits New Member

    Aug 3, 2018
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    i have a 2005 softail, cams, 1550 conversion, exhaust, stock carb reject, in phx and ran great. here in Utah, it seems like its having a little difficulty idling, mid to top range is fine, so my questions are , what size or model cv carb came stock in 2005? and if the air is thinner up here, is it the pilot jet i should start with? and if so, size up or down? and what number jet would you start with? where can i get the pilot jet? plus any other helpful advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  2. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    You have the same Keihin 40mm CV carb that I do. My base altitude is 4,000ft, and have been up & over the Sierras and Rockies and down to Death Valley's below-sea level bottom with that same CV. I switched out to a Mikuni HSR45, not cuz the CV was bad, but because I wanted even more power. Not sure it was wise, but it is what I did.

    As to the idle, you might just need a 1/2 turn or so on the adjustment. Not that they cost much, but you may already have the right jet. It can also be as simple as the fuel you're using in hot weather at higher altitude - it would want the best premium (which is Chevron). It might also be a little crap in the carb, don't take much at idle for a little fouling to make a difference. Check the simple stuff first.

    I used the CV Performance kit that sponsors this website on my CV. Pretty simple to use, I recommend it (even though I had to be different and go with the Mik). Works well.
  3. jbaits

    jbaits New Member

    Aug 3, 2018
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    Thanks Red Rider, very helpful
    Red Rider likes this.

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