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Poker Runs & Events

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by Iron Rage, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. Iron Rage

    Iron Rage New Member

    May 18, 2011
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    Scottsbluff, Ne
    I would like to find out everyone's thoughts on poker run style events. In particular, what would be your ideal amount of miles for a poker run? Around the part of Nebraska where I live there are only so many routes to take, and have been for the most part worn out due to all the local runs taking them.
    In your opinion, on poker runs, what do you enjoy the most about them. This could be anything from contests, raffles, 50/50, or any other activities that take place while on the poker run.

    I personally prefer a longer ride (more miles) with shorter stops, opposed to a shorter ride with longer stops. Around here its pretty much one or the other without back tracking over the same roads you already rode!
  2. badinfluence63

    badinfluence63 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    New England
    Sounds like you should consider a overnite sat/sun deal if feasible. With a little road work there is the ideal 2 day route with arrangements made with a specific hotel in the middle for a Saturday nite meet and greet. Being the economy is like it is I imagine a pretty decent deal could be worked out for the price of rooms if your affiliated with the 2 day event? Depending on how many cards need to be drawn is how you could figure out the miliage for each day keeping it a round a casual 150-200 miles a day. Thats not too long and any longer might be? Stops for cards and lunch will eat up time yet make the miles enjoyable. Being as its a 2 day event I know Nebraska has some excellent long stretchs of Americanna and I cannot imagine it would be much work to select various stops and for lunch too. I little effort and imagination goes a long way. Just a thought.

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