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poor fitting White Bros E pipe

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Al, Oct 10, 2004.

  1. Al

    Al New Member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    I own a 2003 FXDX Harley
    I just bought a White Bros E pipe that was a display piece from an indy,
    got it for a great deal.
    The problem is that with the trans bracket installed and the megaphone bottomed on to the primary pipes it comes up short of aligning with the two holes in the trans mounting bracket. I can get one of the bolt holes to line up, but I'm about 2.5 inches short of making the second one. And when the hole lines up it turns the elliptical outlet on to it's side-say about one 0 clock, instead of straight up.
    The instuctions list my bike, the indy says that what I got is what was packaged, nothing swapped, but something is wrong.
    I'm thinking that maybe one of the two pieces could be softail.
    Any ideas out there? :confused:

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