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power comander 3

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by ssi.john, Aug 20, 2006.

  1. ssi.john

    ssi.john New Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Salt Spring Island B.C. Canada
    with one of these power commander units, are you able to do you own EFI ajusting or do you need to have a special computer or softwear. Is it straight foward if your OK with computers? Any info would be nice.
  2. mad max

    mad max New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
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    simple install and operation. dynojet has a map menu site you can download those maps into your pcIII via usb. also look around this site most of your questions will be answered "if you look"
  3. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    air/fuel ratio guage?

    Was out riding yesterday and stopped in for a cold one at a local watering hole. Got to talking bikes with some of the guys and one of them asked if I was familiar with something called an air/fuel ratio guage. Said a buddy of his had one installed and it monitors things and makes it easier to tune using your power commander. Since I had never heard of such I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about them? I know the guy and he is pretty straight up so I figure it's not some BS but either it's awful new or not worth a dang since I have never seen it mentioned anywhere... the premise sounded good and since it has to have an O2 sensor installed to monitor the thing thought it might have just been released to go with my 06 dyna and the new 07's. Inquiring minds wanna know!
    Ride Free...........
  4. yankeerl

    yankeerl New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Blinkity blankin' SPAM


    I ordered a PC3 USB today for a 2006 Dyna. , who claim they can preprogram it prior to shipping. I know this will not be exact, but they claim to be able to help tweak it after installation.

    I have a Stage 1 "Race" download (kinda pathetic actually), which means the prefab maps from DJ won't work. I will let you know how they do for me. I have not heard anything negative about this guy, so we will see what happens.

    I will let you know how it turns out.

    Please read the FAQ regarding SPAM before posting again.


    BTW, you could use M811-005 as a base point and go from there. Since there is not an "exact" match.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2007
  5. CD

    CD Guest


    Daytona TwinTech and Dyno Jet both have the AFR gauges available. Both are Wide Band O2 sensors.....I would check with Dyno Jet about trying to use one on a Dyna without the PC acting as an O2 eliminator.

    But, for $529.95 list.....I would go with the PCIII and the TVII together and let the TVII do the fuel and the PCIII do the timing.
  6. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains

    Thanks for the info, CD. After taking a look at the site you gave, if that's what this guy was running I figure he got scr^%$#d. They make these things for cages not bikes and specifically not for H-D's. They aren't waterproofed and I doubt they could handle the vibration either, cause as we all know an H-D can kill **** near anything.

    If I was racing, something like that might be worth a shot since ya gotta maximize and wring out everything you can to win, but for the street sounds like another expensive "WOW, that looks cool....what does it do" item. From what the guy I was talking to decribed, what his bud had was different since it used an LED and color code thing but same principle I am sure, and being Old School I would rather see a gauage any day than idiot lights. Thanks for the answer.

    Ride Free............

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