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Pre-Paid maintenance or not

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by FLHTbiker, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Our Harley dealer has a three year pre-paid maintenance program for $1795,00 All the scheduled maintenance and oil changes are performed for three years. I have often wondered if it is really worth the money. If you ride at least 10,000 miles a year than you would get up to 30,000 miles done at no charge, yet I have looked to see what all they do and most of it I can do myself. A lot of guys I know won't change their own oil so maybe for them its a good thing, what do some of you think.
  2. VYBR8ER

    VYBR8ER New Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    Central Valley, CA
    For the majority of riders, it's not worth it because they don't put on enough miles to get their moneys worth. If you rack up the miles and prefer having a mechanic do your services, it is a good value. Look at it this way, 3 10k services @ $465 each is $1395, 3 5k services @ $345 is $1035. So you would pay $2430 for just the services if you only ride 10,000 miles a year. For me you can double that mileage and I'd be killing the dealers profit margin. But most of the folks that I see with the prepaid maintenance plans don't put 15,000 miles on in 3 years. The value of the plans depends on how much riding you do and if you trust the mechanic at the dealership. I do have a few regular customers that are really getting their money out of the plans, but I'm a wrench that cares and from what I read here one of the few.
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    for me they are not a good deal.....i would also evaluate the time spent sitting at a dealer waiting on the service. i can use that time for riding. i average between 15/20k per year. my 06 has over 44k on it now. i also nearly do a 10k service every 2500 miles.....the interval that i change oil/filter......to me it is fun and rewarding to do my own services......but if i didnt know which end of a screwdriver to use.......i would go the prepaid service, and hope that the dealer would look out for my best interests..........:)
    this could also be preformed by a good indy shop.....warranty would not be affected......:D
  4. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Well if it included tires, and you run over 10K a year it would be about a break even or you might be a bit ahead.

    they sell those hoping people don't use them, or , don't put on enough miles to use all the services.
  5. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    I don't have it and our dealer is trying to make everyone feel that if you don't have it then your warranty is in jeopardy, which I know in crap but a lot of others don't and buy into it. Most of them only do about 5000 miles a year so yea the dealer is really making out. They are also selling tickets at $5.00 a ticket to enter to win a free pre-paid maintenance through them. They are selling 1,000 tickets at 5.00 apiece for a 1795.00 pre-paid maintenance service. You do the math as the dealer is making out pretty good. :rant: :mad:
  6. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Only Obama voters would buy that, A 'gov't sponsor'd program to take care of your needs should they arise paid for by the masses, extra funds to be spent on alternative items,

    Probably forget to book the liability for the maintainence jobs.

    Probably charge the poor sap that wins lol
  7. 05glide

    05glide New Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    Prepaid -- I have an appointment in the morning for my 30K mile service on my 07 Ultra. I paid $1500 for the three year plan. I don't have the tools to service my ride and really don't want to turn wrenches. (By the way I respct those who enjoy turning wrenches. My son makes his living do it as did my grandfather) I put 25K to 30K a year on my scooter. Yep, I spend a few hours at the shop while they service it but I spend time there evey week anyway. I've take a few test rides on new scooters while they service mine. I'm planning on taking an 09 out in the morning. However, my friends tell me not to --- unles I'm planning on buying it. We'll see :) I'd planned on putting 100K on this one before I swapped it out and I don't see any reason to trade yet, but I'll take the 09 out for a run :cool:
  8. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Well as long as there's no charge for the ride , Ride all you can I would if given the chance , But I have no plans on trading my 03 in anytime soon . it 's just shy of 56K , so still have a lot of running to do :cool:
    OH ya 05 glide Happy Birthday
  9. steveb

    steveb Active Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    Cambridge, Minnesota
    I did not get the pre-paid on my Dyna but I did on my Ultra. There is not much that I could not do on my Dyna but the Ultra seemed like a lot of bike to learn about. By the time my plan is over I will have everything figured out to do it myself. One nice thing that came with the plan at the dealer is a rental bike at no charge every time I bring mine in for service. So I have tried a few different bikes this summer since I put on 10,000 miles this summer I was there a few times.

    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    spokane, wa.
    not, I got scamed out of 3/4 of a prepaid maitnence. no refunds. got caught in a winter inviorment where you couldn't get the miles.
  11. LPT 2

    LPT 2 New Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    If I recall that's a new maintanance plan and if I remember right didn't harley increase the tire size on the 09s??, I know they have on a couple of models at least.

    I'm putting on about 6500 miles a year, I use mine for work (70 miles/day), short trips and cruzin around town and ride whenever the weather is good, so I think 10K/year would be tuff for most of us. However if the plan includes tires (and I think it does) it may well worth it especially since the 09 tire size increase, I would say (I don't really know) the 09 tires probably will be in the $500(ea) range.

    I think it was resizing of the rear tire for the 09s but not sure about the UC, tires are costly regardless, if tires included, might be wort it.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008
  12. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    Like others said... If you ride alot its worth it!!! I ride alot, but I don't have it!!!:)
  13. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Tire replacement is included in the extended warranty plan but was told not in the pre-paid maintenance plan.
  14. detailer57

    detailer57 New Member

    Jul 18, 2007
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    Glendale, Az
    If you ride a lot, it is worth it. I have ridden 74,000 miles since May of 06.
    I am in about once a month. I am so far ahead of the game, it is not even funny:D
  15. jazzhog

    jazzhog New Member

    Apr 25, 2008
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    Let's face it the dealers know's how to make money and keep ya coming back. The self pay service thing is almost like the warranty. The dealer is always ahead of the game cuz most cats that buy these scoots are taken by the all mighty dealer. They'll never really utilize that service plan effectively. Just like an extended warranty if something doesn't break it will never be used. When I bought my scoot in 01 I purchased the extended warranty, well I never had to use it. I live in the big apple and my scoot hibernates longer than I ride it, so before ya know it the warranty is over. IMHO I think it's just a gimmick for them to take your dollars up front and to keep ya coming back. Most cats bring the scoot in for service, hang around the dealer, see some chrome or some other nonsense, and there ya go, the dealer is making money selling the chrome and installing it. Is a no brainier...:D I say If your not mechanically inclined and can't do your own service just bring it to your local indy shop. They will treat you better and won't rape ya, I think? Buy the extended warranty cuz if something really goes wrong with the scoot you'll be covered. But the pre paid service thing, I'll decline on that. Just my 2 ;)

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