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Primary Leak

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Woz, Oct 5, 2004.

  1. Woz

    Woz New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Ok looking for any tips here. First my drain plug tends to drip. I was following the service manual using thread sealant with Teflon and leaving the plug out from the case as per the book, sorry don't have that number handy. Anyhow it dripped, so I tried a high temp thread sealant and it dripped. Tried Teflon tape, worked for about 1000k miles then it dripped. So I finally went with a high temp gasket silicone and tightened the plug in until it stopped turning, I did not use any force but turned until it pushed back. Anyhow that has stopped the leak I think however what is the deal with leaving the drain plug so far out as per the book? I understand its a tapered plug and if you torque it down you can wallow out the threads but if I go by the book I see no way to get a seal good enough to prevent the drips. I guess on the 2005's they have changed the plug and added an o-ring, will it fit the old case?

    Ok so on to issue #2. I think some of the drip is actually coming from the primary gasket and when I put the bike on the side stand it works its way along the primary down to the drain plug area and drips off from there. Again I have been following the book and using a torque wrench. I re-torqued the primary again using a little more torque and it seems to still be seeping out. So are the book specs too soft? Should I crank the bolts down more then spec? How about the Harley gasket? The bike came with a aluminum looking one with these silicone looking ribs on it. It did not leak. The gasket I got from the dealer looks to be an aluminum paper covered version which they said was an improvement over the one the bike came with. Is there a better gasket out there?

    Lastly the inner primary is attached to the tranny under the belt. There is a glue type of seal around this connecting point. Looks like they fill the area with this glue and mash the two parts together cause the glue to ooze out a bit. Anyhow I think there is some oil oozing from this point as well. Hard to tell exactly where this is all coming from but that area is clearly oily. I can't imaging there is oil going through that point. I have noticed this type of glue seal on other connecting points. What the heck is Harley doing at these points? Is there fluid behind these seals?

  2. ffflhtcui

    ffflhtcui New Member

    May 28, 2004
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    What brand and model of bike are you referring to?
  3. Woz

    Woz New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    This would be an 03 FLHR.
  4. ffflhtcui

    ffflhtcui New Member

    May 28, 2004
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    I don't know which drain plug you are referring to, but I've had four twin cams dating back to 2000 (including a 2000 FLHR) and all of them had o-rings on the engine oil and transmission drain plugs.

    If you're referring to the primary oil drain plug, I've never doped it with anything and never had a single drip from it on any of the bikes.

    I'm not real clear on which bolts you are torqueing to specs. There is definitely a seal (gasket) behind the outer primary cover which may be leaking primary fluid. If it is, most likely means that the outer cover has been off before and wasn't re-installed properly with a new gasket. They are not prone to leakage.

    Finding the source of a leak can be difficult sometimes. It might be easier up on a lift in an upright position. Like you say, when the bike is leaned over you get mixed results.

    Maybe someone else has some ideas about that inner primary gunk gasket. I'm not sure what exactly you're talking about.

    Good luck!
  5. Woz

    Woz New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    Primary Drain Plug

    Yep I am referring to the primary drain plug. I can't imagine that plug not leaking without some type of sealant on it. So I take it that you install the plug pretty tight? The primary gasket was changed out by the dealer and then again by me. (I removed the whole cover to get the primary chain adjusted to spec vs. trying to fight with it through the inspection cover.) Other than hanging the gasket on the dowels and installing the outer primary cover with book spec torque I am not sure what else is required? I may just have a warped cover as the bike being new this may be the issue. However the question I had was what torque spec do all of you use on your outer primary cover? and what gasket does everyone use? Harley or other? And my bike from Harley had a aluminum gasket (with silicone ribs) and the new one I purchased from the dealer is paper covered.


    CHRISRG New Member

    Jul 9, 2004
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    I just changed out my primary fluid and even re-used the gasket behind the primary cover, no leaks at all from the cover or the drain plug. I didn't put anything on the drain plug, prior to re-installing it. It seems strange that all of a sudden it's leaking from the cover and the plug. Have you called the local HD shop to see if they have any tips or tricks?
  7. kidd

    kidd New Member

    Jun 18, 2004
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    somthing must be worped or distorted buy new
  8. godot

    godot New Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    Vista, CA

    Look behind the primary box and check if the oil is dripping from another location. I had a similar situation and I was told that the "inner primary" was the source of the leak.
  9. Cracker

    Cracker New Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    On my 99 road king had to change out the primary cover. Could not get that derby cover to stop leaking...they can be bad from the factory!
  10. goliath

    goliath New Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    It could be the inner primary where it bolts to the cases. put a dab of clear silicone where the bolt holes meet the case. rub little around the bolt holes. this will stop the weeping.

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