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Primo Brute III Blues

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by pococj, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. pococj

    pococj New Member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    East Texas
    Ordered a Brute III for my '87 FLST last October. The plan was to swap it in this past winter, along with a round oil tank, and a few other goodies, but I crashed THE MAMA's bike in November and tore my knees up bad enough that I couldn't get around in the shop until a couple weeks ago. While digging into things I found that while my clutch hub shaft was tapered and keyed, the Primo kit was set up for a splined shaft. I'll call 'em up tomorrow after work, but wondered if any of y'all knew whether my tranny shaft should be tapered or splined?

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