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Proceding Downhill

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by cardboard, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    In case you weren't aware of the Military Leadership Diversity
    Commission Report... interesting reading. God help our country.


    A 31-member Military Leadership Diversity Commission, set up by
    Pelosi's Lame Duck Congress a year ago, requested that the Secretary
    of Defense, Robert Gates, execute a "social experiment on
    diversity"; the goal of the recommendations is to change the make-up
    of the leadership of the US Armed Forces. The Commission contains a
    sizable number of civilian-equal opportunity professionals, as well
    as some retired and active military personnel.

    Because ethnic minorities are less likely to meet eligibility
    requirements for entrance into the US Armed Forces, the Commission
    is urging the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force to either
    lower or eliminate the standards that have always been used for
    acceptance of recruits into the military. The Commission proposal
    states education, entry test level scores, criminal records, and
    drug use that up to this time have been used to disqualify a large
    numbers of applicants, including some minorities and all felons,
    unfair and should be eliminated.

    The commission completed a 162-page report and strongly recommended
    that the Secretary of Defense and the Congress endorse the proposals
    that they act to execute the Commission's "social experiment on diversity."

    The Commission wants Secretary Gates to appoint a "Diversity Czar"
    who will bypass the Congress on all future matters concerning their
    proposed "social experiment on diversity" and that in the future the
    Diversity Czar be permitted to by-pass Congress and report directly
    to the Defense Secretary.

    Another of the many recommendations is that at confirmation, all
    future flag officer selectees be required to demonstrate to the
    Senate Armed Services Committee that they have a rich background in
    promoting the "social experiment on diversity"; future promotions to
    flag would no longer be based upon what senior officers are best
    qualified to lead military personnel into combat and/or would be
    most effective at improving their command's "Combat Effectiveness."

    While the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is driving the current
    aggressive indoctrination of the US Armed Forces, in order to turn
    the US Military into an openly homosexual organization, the Military
    Leadership Diversity Commission is pressing the Pentagon to make
    additional destabilizing changes to the US Armed Forces in the midst
    of three theatres of armed conflict. Among the many initiatives in
    its study, is a recommendation to open infantry and armor units to
    women; the study said that women should be allowed into male-only
    units to "create a level playing field" in promotions "for all
    service members who meet the qualifications."
  2. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Hardened Combat Veterans say that "direct ground combat" is not like
    an MP being subjected to exchange of small-arms gunfire with
    insurgents, or of military personnel being wounded by an IEDs when
    transiting in a convoy, or a service member being abducted by
    terrorists while on patrols or on guard duty. There is a true lack
    of understanding of exactly what direct ground combat entails, what
    closing with and destroying an enemy combatant by the most violent
    means available is; often it is a direct eye-to-eye confrontation,
    then being required to employ upper-body physical strength that
    physically fit US Marines, US Army Rangers, or US Navy SEALs train
    for. Direct ground combat is defined as an action when opposing
    forces engage in violent, intense, close-in, hand to hand combat.
    According to former Commandant of the US Marine Corps, General Carl
    Mundy, units which are trained repeatedly into fine-tuned teams to
    engage and defeat the enemy directly, exist and operate on the basis
    of masculine cohesion. "I believe that female service members bring
    tremendous skills and talents to many sectors of our armed forces,
    but I believe equally strongly that they are not best suited for the
    unique demands associated with direct combat units."

    Congressman Allen West as well as Congressman Duncan D. Hunter, 2 of
    the 12 endorsed Combat Veteran For Congress who were elected in the
    2010 mid-term election (out of the full slate of 27 endorsed
    candidates who won their primary elections), have already gone
    public on their view of the proposed "social experiment on
    diversity"; they feel the proposal is intrusive and inappropriate.

    "This is the last thing the military should be thinking about," said
    Cong. Duncan D. Hunter, a member of the Armed Services Committee who
    saw combat in Iraq and Afghanistan as a US Marine Corps Officer.
    "Our military is engaged in a shooting war," the California
    Republican stated. "This is just another distraction that can't
    interfere with what's most important - winning in Afghanistan.
    Congressman Duncan added, "Some people seem to think the military is
    a staging ground for social testing, and that attitude only puts
    lives at risk."

    Congressman Allen West, a Florida Representative, who as a senior
    Army officer completed a 1 year combat tour of duty in Iraq, and a 2
    year combat tour of duty in Afghanistan said, "The US Military is a
    merit based organization where anybody can succeed." Congressman
    West said the report "is a slap in the face to those minorities who
    have achieved seniority." In an interview with The Daily Caller,
    Congressman West, who is black, was not pleased with the report, and
    said that the military is not a social experiment for outside groups
    to impose their theories.
  3. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    The US Naval Academy Admissions Office now openly practices the
    "social experiment of diversity." The Naval Academy Admissions Board
    now admits student with SAT scores in math as low as 410 and verbal
    scores as low as 370; the SAT score cut off for Midshipmen had
    normally been around 600 out of a possible 800 score.

    A former Admission Board Member agreed to make the following
    statement on conditions of anonymity; he said " The unfairness is
    absolutely real." The "social experiment on diversity" has been
    driven by the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff's and the CNO
    since their appointments, and has resulted in the admittance of
    marginal students, mostly athletes and minorities, while by-passing
    fully qualified white students in the pool of 15,000 applicants
    annually. The results of the admittance of marginal students has
    been an increase in serious violations of regulations such as drug
    use (resulting in multiple dismissals), excessive use of liquor and
    inebriation on weekend liberty, increased violations of the Honor
    Code requiring retraining to retain minority students (as a former
    member of the Honor Committee there was no such thing as honor
    retraining; Midshipmen do not lie, cheat, or steal) and recently,
    one Midshipman lied to a law enforcement officer when in custody for
    a federal offense.

    The Brigade of Midshipmen have been negatively affected by the
    "social experiment of diversity," and now the US Armed forces will
    be subjected to that same experiment during a wartime environment.
    The Supreme Court has ruled that admission procedures at
    institutions of higher education that consider percentages of race
    and gender as a consideration for selecting and making up an
    entering freshman class is discriminatory and those actions by a
    college Admissions Board are a violation of federal law.
  4. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    The Brigade of Midshipmen have been negatively affected by the
    "social experiment of diversity," and now the US Armed forces will
    be subjected to that same experiment during a wartime environment.
    The Supreme Court has ruled that admission procedures at
    institutions of higher education that consider percentages of race
    and gender as a consideration for selecting and making up an
    entering freshman class is discriminatory and those actions by a
    college Admissions Board are a violation of federal law.

    The "social experiment on diversity" imposed on the Brigade at the
    US Naval Academy, pushing an openly homosexual environment on the US
    Armed Forces, and now the proposal by the Military Leadership
    Diversity Committee have all put the US Military under unreasonable
    destabilizing pressure. The proposal by the Commission to select
    future flag officers of the US Armed Forces using some type of
    litmus test on diversity will not improve the "Combat Effectiveness"
    of the US Military.

    By recommending that senior military officers only be selected for
    flag if they pass a test on diversity, and considering their race
    and gender by some percentages, will not result in the promotion of
    the most qualified senior officers who would improve the "Combat
    Effectiveness" of the US Armed Force (there will be no more Admiral
    Bull Halseys, General Pattons, General Chesty Pullers, General Jimmy
    Doolittles, etc., because they would not be "politically correct"
    The American people are unaware of the aforementioned coordinated
    assaults on the most effective and professional military force in
    the world, they are not aware that the agenda that is being driven
    by socialists and liberals who oppose the US Armed Forces high
    standards of duty, honor, country, and its support for the
    Judeo-Christian religions is hurting the stability of the force.
    Those coordinated assaults by progressives, pushing a "social
    experiment on diversity", will weaken the US Military over the long term.

    The actions of outside forces supported by the Obama Administration
    are continuing to push the above listed changes that are
    marginalizing the "Combat Effectiveness" of the US Armed Forces. The
    US Military has protected and defended the US Constitution, the Bill
    of Rights, and the Republic for 234 years, experimenting with the
    structure and make-up of the US Military organization and assaulting
    its leadership structure will destabilize the US Armed Forces. We
    must rely on the judgment of the 12 elected Combat Veterans For
    Congress and other Congressmen to coordinate their efforts to halt
    the above listed dangerous experiments with the US Armed Forces.

    Joseph R. John, USNA '62
    Captain, USN (Ret)
    Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
    Reagan Associate/Reagan Administration Alumnus
    Former FBI/Former DHS Federal Law Enforcement Officer
    264 S. La Cienega Blvd., Suite 186
    Beverly Hills, CA 90211
    Fax: (310) 859-0811


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