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Props & Pipes

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by SISK, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. SISK

    SISK New Member

    Jun 2, 2004
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    Las Vegas
    I enjoyed a good Ride this weekend. It was a poker run called "Props & Pipes" that was organized by a local chapter of the CAF (Commerative Air Force), a group that restores and maintains vintage aircraft.
    The morning of the ride was lightly raining and the turnout wasn't very high. However, those of us that did go ended up with much better odds for the prize raffles due to the low turnout. ;)

    The ride went up into the mountains East of San Diego where it stopped raining, then dropped back down into the valley and ended up at Gillespie field (SEE) in El Cajon. The weather had turned out beautiful and clear by then. The high poker hand winner won a ride in a T-6 (WWII trainer aircraft with a 9 cylinder radial engine), and the low hand won a ride in a Stearman Bi-Plane. They also had some skill games (slow race, plank ride, waterballoon pick) and the winners won a ride in the Stearman. (yea, that's right, we're still playing with waterballons in mid Nov. in San Diego).
    I ended up winning a ride in the Stearman and got to enjoy a great Bi-Plane ride :D
    See attached photo (no, the chaps weren't required flight gear).

    On the way home, I stopped for fuel and after complaining about paying $13.05 to fill up my motorcycle, I noticed that the pump said I had put in 5.02 gallons. Which makes me ask a couple questions:
    1) If the specs for my bike ('03 FLSTCI) say it has a 5 gal capacity tank, how can I get more than 5 gallons in it?
    2) Why am I running it so close to empty anyway? :eek:

    There's a fine line between Genius and Insanity!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2004
  2. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    As to the gas mileage, you got LUCKY!!! Didn't have to push or beg for a ride. As to the rides AFTER the ride......WOW! I would be willing to pay for rides like that!! Some of those aircraft are similar to "barnstromers" and such.... think Snoopy! Tho they said chaps not part of the "uniform", could not hurt in the protection in that type of ride!! I am very envious!! :D

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