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Pros and cons of thunderjet kit

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by yeodaddy, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. yeodaddy

    yeodaddy New Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    clifton park NY
    I have a 1989 harley FLTCU with an 80" motor, 10.5:1 compresion, lightly ported and polished heads, dyna 2000 programible electronic ignition,duel fire coil, K&N filter, thunderheader 2 into 1 preformance exhaust. I am wondering if installing a thunderjet kit will improve preformance and what the pros and cons are. Thanks
  2. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    I do not have any first hand experience with their stuff but I have heard that their quality is suspect. I was told by a lot of people to stay away from them so I did. Someone else will chime in that has more direct experience. Welcome to the forum.... :)
  3. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    JB's talking about the slide kits for CV carbs not the same thing.

    NOthing wrong with Thunderjet kits,
    they are typically put on S&S carbs
    but you can put on CV carbs too

    Unless you are running out of fuel at higher RPMs
    and increasing the main bogs the bike at higher RPMs
    I doubt it would be needed as they add fuel up
    top and are designed to suppliment the
    fuel, on a Super G or E you can run a smaller main
    and let the thunderjet make it up
  4. baggerpaul

    baggerpaul Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    south fl.
    unless those heads are flowing that much air that you have a lean out above the 5.500 mark i dont think you would need that extra fuel circuit . but they are great for large cubic inch motors we just finished tunning a 131 with a g and two thunder jets very nice tools to have for running smaller mains and having the thunder jets come in when needed. made the bike very easy to tune for the street . with those installed . we used one on a cv 40 as well on a hopped up sporty
  5. prodrag1320

    prodrag1320 Active Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    the problem with alot of harley carbs (like a S&S),is that most times the main jet has to be so rich that midrange suffers.with the T-JET,the main jet can be smaller,with the T-JET taking over on the higher RPM`s.when combined with a adjustable air bleed,the transition from the intermediate to th main jet can be altered too,a T-JET is a VERY nice product that can make big tuning changes,unfortunatly most guys/shops dont know what there doing with them,we do,we`ve used them on street & gas drag bikes for 20+ years.if you got any questions (or need one installed),feel free to call
    (BTW,2 completley different things,but theres nothing wrong with thunderslide kits either,besides being alittle pricy)

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