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Pull to Left

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by SkyKing, Mar 24, 2008.

  1. SkyKing

    SkyKing New Member

    Aug 7, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Boise, ID
    This is just a report on a problem that I have resolved. I don't remember if I ever posted thye problem previously or not.

    I've had a pull to the left ever since I built my bike about 4 years ago. I've tried multiple realignments, replaced wheel bearings, tightened fork stem, loosened fork stem, and removed inner primary, loosened engine and trany then reshimmed, aligned and reassembled. finally sarted carrying a heavy weight in the right saddle bag, which helprd some. Finally, this winter I repaced the fork stem races and bearings. It runs straight and true, like it should now. I can only think that I must have damaged the races or bearings on my original build. Everyone I ever asked for advice had told me that was unlikely to be the cause. Most claimed it was a result of the 1" offset for the 180 tire. I never did think that little amount of offset could cause the amount of oull I had. You never know where you will find the problem unless you keep at it until it is fixed.
  2. FriendGregory

    FriendGregory New Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Palo Alto, CA
    Another really good heads up, thanks.
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
    Likes Received:
    thanks for the update......it is the first i have heard of neck bearings/races causing a pull when properly installed................but ya never know!!..............:)
  4. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    This brings up a question that I have always had

    When you have the bike up on a lift and you try that steering check like they say in the manual - turn the wheel one way to the stop and let go and the front wheel should go back and forth no more and no less than three times - or something like that. That is supposed to be the bearing check, but when you put the bike back on the ground the weight of the bike loads the bearing in the other direction :(

    So if you have a problem like SkyKing just found this check would never find it.

    Am I thinking about this right ?
  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    just my thoughts.....i think the test would show something is wrong....i am wondering what caused the bearing to be the culprit....i think if the race was not seated all the way around, or cocked, then that would allow the bike to want to pull......???????
  6. SkyKing

    SkyKing New Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    Boise, ID
    To elaborate a little...When I first installed the races (for my mock up) and also for the final build, instead of pulling the races in I used a seal driver, like I would do on car wheel bearing races. I'm thinking that maybe I damaged them. This time I made myself a puller and did it right.
  7. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
    Likes Received:
    thanks for the added info.....the installation does sound like the culpret......some shortcuts can come back and get ya!!!!! been there and got a shirt!!!!!!!!:)

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