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Pulled over in CA with a carry permit

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by FLHTbiker, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    This is what happened to a driver in CA, what would you do.

    As on out of State driver, I was pulled over in CA for speeding 10 over the limit...

    Anyway, the officer got really nasty with me about not disclosing I had a CCW.

    It went something like this:

    *Takes my licence, rental car registration, and personal insurance card to his cruiser..."

    Officer: *agitated* What did you not tell me? Hugh? What are you supposed to tell law enforcement that you aren't telling?

    Me: Um, nothing that I can think of.

    Officer: I am going to ask you again.... What are you supposed to disclose?

    Me: I gave you everything you asked for - my Licence, Registration from the Car Rental, and even my personal insurance card; since, I didn't buy the added insurance.

    Officer: I am not talking about any of that!

    Me: You said you pulled me over for speeding.

    Officer: You are required by Law in California to notify a Police Officer that you have a Concealed Permit and whether or not you are armed.

    Me: I am an out-of-state driver, and California doesn't recognize my permit or ANY other State's permits, so I don't see the need to disclose I have something that the State doesn't recognize.

    Officer: As far as I am concerned, it doesn't matter you need to disclose you have a Concealed Permit because it came up in my computer when I ran your Driver's Licence.

    Me: Well, as far as I am concerned, I don't need to disclose I have a permit that the State doesn't recognize as a permit.

    Officer: Don't worry about the State. If my computer says you have a permit, you have a permit that I recognize and you need to disclose it to me.

    Me: Then without concern to the State, you personally would recognize it and would allow me to carry a gun with it?

    Officer: Of course not!!! How would you like it if I wrote you for a misdemeanor for not disclosing this? You would be screwed having a firearms violation on your record and then what would you do?

    Me: I would rather you you simply not because I don't like going to court as a defendant, but I would make the best of it and get legal counsel (probably for free from various support groups), plead not guilty, and have a jury trial with news coverage.

    Officer: What do you do in your State when you are pulled over?

    Me: I haven't been pulled over since getting my concealed carry permit until now, but I would disclose it to the officer.

    Officer: Exactly. You have to disclose you have it. Why would you disclose it to officers in your state and not to me?

    Me: Honestly, I am not sure if SC requires I disclose it or not. I actually tried to get an answer, but nobody knows. Regardless, I would disclose it anyway out of courtesy to officers in my State because they recognize it. Same goes for officers in other states that recognize it.

    Officer: I am really supposed to write you for any violation like this. Are you carrying any guns or knives?

    Me: No

    Officer: Good. I will call my Sargent to find out what to do with you.

    *10 minutes later*

    Officer: I was going to let you off with a warning for speeding, but it is people like you that are the reason we need to wear bullet-proof vests. Here, just sign here it is a speeding ticket, which is an infraction not a misdemeanor. Signing is not an admission of guilt, you have a court date, but you are not required to appear. You will get a courtesy letter from the court at least two weeks before your court date, and you can mail in your payment or appear by the date on the ticket. Do you have any questions?

    My question is... Did I do anything wrong (aside from speed)? I simply did not plan bring it up or mention anything about a gun; since, I did not have a gun with me, but it is like having a licence they don't recognize.

    Perhaps I could have handled it better. Would it have been better to say something, "Officer, I have a concealed carry permit, which California doesn't recognize, but it doesn't matter because I am NOT carrying."

    Just saying... I wanted to keep the whole encounter traffic, but I got some officer who apparently hasn't pulled over many people with carry permits.

    Later, my girlfriend who was in the car with me went down to file a complaint about our encounter and she said he was aggressive, over-reactive, etc. They basically made no comment about anything other than traffic, but told her that as a one-time courtesy they were going to dismiss the ticket because apparently the guy she spoke with said he really didn't like the situation and was uncomfortable with that ticket because they have an internal department policy where on that road they pull people over for going 10+ over to briefly look for other things like drug trafficking, drunk driving, and that if everything checks out okay with the paperwork they let the driver off with a warning... and that didn't happen this time like it has in every other encounter they have had. He told her dismissing it has nothing to do with how we perceive we were treated or anything like that... that regardless the would not write one for 10 over and treats everyone equally. She ended up not making a written complaint but just talking it over and she got the original copy back with the Sgt's signature it has been dismissed.
  2. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    Cop was being a p___k. Maybe a bad argument with the wife that morning or too many donuts and coffee. OR, since they dropped the ticket, they know that particullar cop is a d__k and decided to void the ticket because of him and hoping it wouldn't go any further.

    There are all kinds of people which equals out to all kinds of cops.
  3. marc 55

    marc 55 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Basking Ridge, N.J.
    In all honesty I would have filed a formal complaint...Who knows what other kinds of crap officer friendly has done...Unless people complain they just get away with it...Here in NJ the dash cameras run 24/7 and are kept on file...Many cops have been caught and thrown off the force since this law went into effect...Just a way to an eye on them...
  4. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    I touched a SEa Lion on the beach in California, the sea lion did nothing but look at me.
    A dude went ballistic on me. I thought I was gonna have to take him out to git him off my ass.

    Don't understand why people in California go off on folks and act so Stupid.

    I understand what you are saying.
    There are a lot of nice people in California. But there are a lot of folks that go off and blow your mind. And you go WTF is wrong with this person.
    ARe they a mental case.
  5. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I would have said " Sorry I was unaware that CA law required me to report
    my permit to you, and, because I checked my permit is not honored here
    and I do not have any firearms or weapons in my vehicle as I cannot lawfully
    carry here. Sorry that it happened, I would not want to endanger you or anyone
    in law enforcement and I respect the laws, it's why I did not bring any firearms with me
    due to CA not recognizing my permit.

    Was he over reacting, yeah, was he out of line, yeah, but in the end you
    just don't want the hassle at that point, and then if he wrote you proceed
    to file a harrasement complaint

    However I don't think you did anything out of line I just try and
    get out of the situation without issue.

    Guy has a power trip issue Then again leo's have to deal with a lot
    of people that are serious issues and life threatening, the vest comment
    was way out of line...
  6. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    HRK, is was not me but this is a case that I am aware of. I thought I pointed that out in the first post.
  7. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Ya the cops have a tuff job & some (alot ) have a power trip going for them , I try to be as nice as possable ,It works most of the time , you have to remember all the strange people these cops have to deal with , I know a lot of cops either still on the job or retired & the stores they can tell ya about people they had to deal with
  8. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Yeah I missed that but I could see ya being hauled in
    the girlfriend part I was concerned knowin you were married
    but hey lotta folks have that going on LOL

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