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Put tank back on Duece o4 after messing with hose in tank

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by JWboxter, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. JWboxter

    JWboxter Member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    I wanted to put some single lights on my bike ,so I took off the tank after discovering that I did not have to take off the petcock , as it release with a pull up. Did unscrew the top of petcock, where it atached to tank. What did I mess up as the baby will not start and I have a planned with 30 or so friends, couples , bandit, liars, and thief. SAD thing they all want to see me.:witsend:

    I check the spark plug , can hear the fuel pump and a friend say problem may be in the Tank. HELP:angry: :wtf: :gah:
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    after filling the tank with fuel, did it leak around the fitting where you loosened it up?? make sure the fuel line is connected properly at the quick disconnect. are you able to remove the fuel line to check fuel flow??? all this is dependent on fuel being the reason the bike wont start. you said you had the tank off, did any connectors get disturbed??? unplugged inadvertenly?? check the kill switch on the bars...(dont laugh, i have seen this plenty of times..)....let us know what you find!!
  3. skull2007

    skull2007 Active Member

    Feb 5, 2007
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    middleburg, pa
    sounds like the quick release isn't allowing fuel through it. are you sure when you connected; the collar on the quick release snaped back. also check the wiring in the console to make sure the wring harneses are connected. be careful with the part which screws into the tank(check assem. valve). theres two "O" rings inside that thing and the one will fall out. hopes this helps
  4. JWboxter

    JWboxter Member

    Apr 6, 2007
    Likes Received:
    smell burning

    I put a recharged battery in the bike and it still does not start. Cranked a few time and the fuel pump noise is different. There are two new type of noise in the fuel tank, and I notice that the positve side of the battery is hot and red from arking. I am thinking that the hose in tank has nothing to do with this new problem as it sound electrical. I unplug all accessories / lights and the noise is still in tank and it will not. I talk with my more than me machanic buddy whom help me reinstall tank, and say that he checked firing at spark plug, and petcock no leakks, top of tank connections, felt in tank to see if the fuel hose was tight , and that fuel pump was connected = all Good.
    Battery is unplug until I have it checked or receive some corrected input in this situation. I am getting desperate, but I know that I will be to get fix intime for the 9am sunday, sounds electrical and everything and me neeeds to be helped. HElp
  5. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    if you are positive it's not fuel related then the only other option
    is the electronic changes you made, disconnect the lights, you could have something grounding out.
  6. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    " I notice that the positve side of the battery is hot and red from arking"

    this is not good...that connection should be tight!!! no arcing!!

    in the opening of this thread you say you are messing with a hose in the tank. i have had these off before and if the hose is not connected correctly, it will not pump fuel. i would retrace your steps....the problem is a small one, and should be an easy fix, once you find it. not being with the bike it is kind of difficult at best to repair over the net. do one step at a time, just like the first time when you removed the tank...
  7. skull2007

    skull2007 Active Member

    Feb 5, 2007
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    middleburg, pa
    around the fuse's you have two relays ones starter the other is "systems" sytems is the one which runs your efi. you may want to check that. you sure the hot battery isn't from cranking and cranking:eek:
  8. VYBR8ER

    VYBR8ER New Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    Central Valley, CA
    One problem at a time! 1) If you started unscrewing the check valve on the bottom of your tank without disconnecting the fuel line inside of your tank you have most likely broken the line. If you don't know how to pull out the fuel pump/fuel gauge sending unit find someone who does or you'll cost yourself more money. The fuel line connects to the back of the pump unit and goes down to the check valve. It is a one piece unit. Removing it from the pump is done by cutting off the crimp clamp around the hose and when pulling the hose off the barb, any side loading will generally cause the barb to break off (more money). Once the hose is disconnected from the pump you can unscrew the check valve from the bottom of the tank. Get a service manual (the best tool in your toolbox) and read it before every task and you'll learn a lot and save money in the long run.
    2) The starter draws a lot of current to turn over the bike. You shouldn't run the starter for more than 15 seconds when trying to start the bike. The cable will start to warm up but shouldn't get red hot. I'd disconnect the ground side of the battery and then check the connection on the positive cable at the battery and also at the starter to make sure they are tight and have no corrosion. Then make sure the battery ground point on the engine is tight and the cable is corrosion free and reattach the ground at the battery. Make sure that the bolts that attach the starter to the primary are tight (that is how the starter gets it's ground path)

    Good Luck and enjoy your ride Sunday.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2008

    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    spokane, wa.
    You Never Said If Your Lights Are Working When The Ignition Is On. If They Do Then I Would Assume That Your New Blinker Job Had No Effect With Your Problem. Changing My Bars Kinked My Wires Before Causing A Fuse To Blow Which In Turn Killed The Bike.
  10. JWboxter

    JWboxter Member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    I found problem to No Start

    Thanks Guy's for the infomation it was very helpful and led me to the problem. it was electrical. the wiring connector was not put in straight, under the dash panel on top of the tank, so the pins twised and did not make contact, and pins had to be made put in line.

    Watch out for this problem when dealing with HD electrical connections. Thanks for the Help.:puke: :rant: :D :cool:
  11. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    cool!!! glad ya got it back on the road!!!!!!!!!! have fun!:)
  12. Ultra Al

    Ultra Al New Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    West Texas
    Glad it wasn't anything serious and in the bargin I learned a bunch from VYBR8ER's post. Al

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