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Question about Stage 1 kit

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by Reaper, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Reaper

    Reaper New Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    I am hoping that I am not beating a dead horse, but I am having an issue with my bike since moving. I installed the CVP Stage 1 kit on my 2006 Sportster 1200. I have Bassani Sweepers, and an upgraded air cleaner. I installed the recommended #46/#185 jets, tuned my bike, and had no issues. This was in Phoenix, AZ (about 1400' elevation). I brought my bike to Olympia, WA (about 100' elevation), and I am getting poor gas mileage, puffing black smoke out the pipes. I am looking for a recommendation on rejetting, or what else I can do to remedy. Thanks for the help!
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    I don't think elevation is causing this for you unless you were already tuned very rich before. I ride from sea level to 4000 feet all the time without issue.

    I suspect an air passage has become clogged. Check out #3 on the following trouble shooting page:
    Harley CV Carburetor - Tuning Issues and Troubleshooting

    Also check that the enrichener (choke) is fully closed or has not come loose at the carburetor body. If that plunger is not completely seated it will make the mixture overly rich and cause the problems described.

    Lastly reset your mixture screw or EZ-Just as necessary.
  3. Reaper

    Reaper New Member

    Apr 28, 2013
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    I went through the steps of the suggested website. I cleaned the carb as clean as I could get it. I replaced my choke cable, cause it was damaged. It was still functioning properly, it was just that the sleeve was messed up. I also went back down to the 45/180 jets that were in there before. Both the intake seals, and carb seal have been replaced. I have also put in new spark plugs. Even with the 45/180 jets in, I can turn the EZ-Just screw all the way in and the bike still does not stumble, or hesitate. Perhaps it is the climate that I am in compared to AZ that is causing my overly rich issue? Is there a smaller jet size recommendation, or anything else that I should be looking at? Thanks again!
  4. Ripper01

    Ripper01 Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    Your float could be stuck open. That would cause an overly rich condition

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