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Question about Terry Components & PC III USB together

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by lvthai, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. lvthai

    lvthai New Member

    Jul 11, 2006
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    Can it be done and does/or will it work? Is it possible to have the Terry Compnents TERMINAL VELOCITY II and the PC III USB running together? Would this be too much trouble or the best of both worlds? This would be on a 2006 RK Classic. Anything to keep me away from the Stealers!

    Any info would be greatly appreciated:cool:
  2. yankeerl

    yankeerl New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    Both will do essentially the same thing for the fuel mixture. I don't think having both will be any better than just one. The difference is the PC has the ability to raise the rev limiter like the stage 1 download. I don't think the other has that capability. For the price of the terry unit, you could have the custom map done on a PC. Just my opinion.

  3. CD

    CD Guest

    To answer the question first, no....They both alter fuel and the PC also alters timing and if they even would connect would probably fry something anyway.

    Secondly, you're essentially comparing apples to oranges here. The PCIII is an open loop fuel management device that utilizes a fixed MAP much as a the ECU does. The Terminal Velocity is a closed loop EFI device that adjusts the fuel on the fly and allows for more accurate tuning in varying conditions. Since all '07 models are closed loop, the PCIII will need to be either the style they use on the '06 Dyna with O2 eliminators or, actually utilize the O2 input.
  4. lvthai

    lvthai New Member

    Jul 11, 2006
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    Thanks for the input. On another forum there has been some heated discussion on the subject. Some say can do:) , others say have done;) , and others say why:confused: ? If you ahve a chanace try the thread below and see what you think and comment as you wish. It has been interesting to say the least.


    Thanks again:cool:
  5. CD

    CD Guest

    I have read the thread and I am a forum sponsor.
    I just spoke with Terry Components. It can and has been done succesfully.

    What was reported to them by their testers is that you use the PC for Ignition timing and set the PC fuel map to zero and use the Terminal Velocity to manage fuel. They reported that it worked very well.
  6. lvthai

    lvthai New Member

    Jul 11, 2006
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    Thanks for the input and for going the extra mile to contact Terry Components directly. Your effort and the interest shown by others both on this and other forums is just another reason that the Harley Community is so strong, everyone takes an interest and is active (and VOCAL at times) and willing to help a fellow rider.

    Thanks again, now I need to go back and study all this to see if it is what I really want to do. Actually just to see if I am smart enough to figure it out since ultimately I will be the one to take care of it here.


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