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Questions about my short...help

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by eieio4tn, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. eieio4tn

    eieio4tn Active Member

    May 5, 2011
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    well, i got all my top end done, everything stuffed back into place and ready to start. NOTHING...spent 3/4's of the day tracing wires. found my starter solenoid was warm. ok, it's in the ignition circuit...cool, it's narrowed down. removed all the wires from the solenoid and found the switch post shorted to ground, as well as one side of the contacts. hmmmm. then i find that the fused wire from the battery is also shorted to ground. i ain't liking this...very long story and many hours, anyway, i found the short. i had moved my handlebars and controls and pinched the grey ignition wire. hooked up the battery and all is well, except that my solenoid is still unhooked and i will have to kick start until solenoid arrives.

    the question is...what are the odds that this fried anymore ignition parts...regulator, starter relay, coil ? God i hope not. heck of a mess, just because i pinched a little ole wire.

    missed a city full of hogs today...cookeville, tn. hog ralley and charley daniels. i saw about 300 bikes the other day from kmart roof. it took 5 traffic light changes for all of them to get through.
  2. charlie46

    charlie46 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Melbourne Fl
    First I would check voltage drop at batt,with just the ign.switch on. 'Should stay up to 12v.or more. If it does then try to start it.

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