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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by ratshotshilo, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. ratshotshilo

    ratshotshilo New Member

    Sep 24, 2004
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    i have a 47 knuckle/shovel. the motor has been recently rebuilt,by who i don't know. when it gets hot it begins to seize up. one guy told me that the rings are'nt gapped right. can rings that are'nt done right exspand enough to stop the motor? it runs great until it gets up to high temp. and then slowly starts to seize up. i let it cool off alittle and it starts right up again. is this something that will break in? i have very' very little ride time (10 mi.) please help a dude out. give me your input. ratshotshilo@cox.net :mad:
  2. Dirty Dean

    Dirty Dean New Member

    Sep 25, 2004
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    Seizing Motor

    The ring thing make sence . . . Continuing to run the motor when it's seizing up does not! Tear that mother down and get someone qualified to figure out what's going on before it winds up costing you a complete rebuild. My hunch is that whoever you bought it from was scared and wanted out of it. You would be wise not to let this go.

    :cool: Ride Free!

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