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Re-Elect Nobody? Yeah Right...

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by ironboltbruce, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. ironboltbruce

    ironboltbruce New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Re-Elect Nobody? Yeah Right...


    FOREWORD by Bruce Arnold (bit.ly/d1Y2Ry)

    Last Tuesday, 2 November 2010, was the day the Free and the Brave had pledged to "Re-Elect Nobody" and "throw the bums out" of Washington. Instead, with their woolly heads filled with billions of dollars worth of political propaganda, half-truths and outright lies paid for in no small part by foreign and anonymous corporate donations legalized by the Supreme Court's "Citizens United v. FEC" decision, the American Sheeple voted as programmed and--despite the largely-manufactured dissent and highly-publicized victories of a few billionaire-funded AstroTurf Tea Party candidates--dutifully re-elected the incumbents in 83% of the Senate contests and 86% of all House races.

    Re-Elect Nobody? Yeah Right... There was no real change in 2008. There was no real change in 2010. There will be no real change in 2012 or thereafter. In the following article from GlobalResearch.ca, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts explains why:

    The Impotence of Elections
  2. The Tourist

    The Tourist Banned A-Hole

    Oct 17, 2010
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    One of the great things about being a 'boomer is that there are no "new tricks" when it comes to politics. I've seen every sleeze-ball move our elected officials have used twice, and in many cases, three times.

    For example, look at the idea of a "benevolent invested government." That is, instead of allowing greedy old robber barons to guide growth, we permit a centralized oligarchy to protect us.

    It's based on Karl Marx and it's called "the mulitplier effect." Since the government is supposedly smarter than we are then they are better at ruling, and that includes our wallets.

    Within my lifetime I knew it as President Johnson's "War on Poverty," Carter's price controls for energy and now Obama's "stimulus packages." All of them driven by the central government, all of them failures.

    And each time this concept has been trotted out with a fresh coat of paint, a new President must spend most of his first term cleaning up the debris.

    The night BHO was coronated, the media showed Oprah crying. I'm sure she expected the government to be run like her book club. After all, she tells people what to read, they all follow blindly and there's success.
  3. ironboltbruce

    ironboltbruce New Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    How We Lost America

    To The Tourist:

    Karl Marx died decades before Richard Kahn gave first mention to the multiplier effect (as it is correctly spelled). As you appear in need of a refresher course on economics as well as history, feel free to start on and build from this framework:

    How We Lost America :: A Brief History in Ten Points (Linked Version) Riding, Rights & Revolution :: One Biker's Rage Against the Kleptocracy
  4. The Tourist

    The Tourist Banned A-Hole

    Oct 17, 2010
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    Re: How We Lost America

    That was kind of my point. It's the same drivel, just with a fresh name. My adult job was saving distressed companies. Part of that problem was the overall economy.

    In my entire lifetime I have never seen a strong central government provide a backdrop for success in the private industry. Again, sucking up the majority of dollars to ignite recovery has been a myth from step one.

    Call it what you will, but the reason we keep making this same insane mistake is the success of selling the idea--"I'm from the government and I'm here to help you." I don't think I could have saved a lemonade stand under Carter or BHO.

    In humorous irony, the reason that Slick Willie had any success was in the fact that he did nothing. He couldn't make change from a dollar, and in a bizarre twist, banging fat girls saved the nation.

    Granted it's hard to view the work of Karl Marx and Johnson's presidency as the same shell-game. After all, Marx must be the 'enemy' and Johnson was supposedly one of the good guys. I don't see a dime's worth of difference.

    A central, powerful oligarchy assumes control over all of the nation's wealth and decides a country's fate based on power, not the economy. I don't care whose name is on that program.

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