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Rear Cyl. Tube Seal Leak(again!)

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by 00 wildglide, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. 00 wildglide

    00 wildglide New Member

    Nov 5, 2005
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    Hello to all,
    After much research & trial & error;I'm stumped.my 95" '00 DYNA continues to leak from the rear cyl. center position push-rod tube o-ring during high speed jaunts.I've heard oil pump alignment could be the cause,But everyone regards it as the "wet" oil sumping into the air cleaner issue.(mine never did this)Some have told me the heads "umbrella" valves may be failing?I'm an ASE master certified/Lexus master certified technician with 20+ years of experience...which is'nt doing much for me with my DYNA.Hey C.D. or any of you gear-heads out there please help if you can.Thanks for listening,00 wildglide.:confused:
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    If it is always the same one swap them around and see if the problem follows the tube. If it does, there is a problem with the tube itself. Might just be a rough spot, small dent or even a very minor out of round condition will cause a leak.

    If you are building pressure, other things would leak after awhile.

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