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Rear Shock Adjustment HD Per Weight

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by 05sportstergirl, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. 05sportstergirl

    05sportstergirl New Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    New here. I just got a 05 HD 1200 Custom. I know there is a special tool used to adjust the rear shocks. My question is what position is for what weight? And what is the proper adjustment for what weight? I am small and want to adjust it to where I can get it to set as low as possible. I appreciate any information.

  2. gunnysgt

    gunnysgt New Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    SouthEast PA
    There is a special "spanner" wrench you can use on the shocks but they also can be easily adjusted with a large pair of channel lock style pliers. You will see "steps" at the bottom of the rear shocks springs. Twist the bottom area of the shock spring until it falls on the highest step. (the one that allows the shock spring to be the loosest.) Ride it, If it doesn't bottom out leave it there. If it does, move it up one step at a time and try it. As you move it up the steps it puts more preload on the spring and will not bottom as easily.
  3. gpcj7

    gpcj7 New Member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Set up on FXDX

    In my HD Manuel for my FXDX it states you check before and after you sit on your bike and that you should adjust for about 1/2" to 1" compression with you fully seated and off the side stand. You will need help from someone to balance the bike for you. I tend to set my bike on the stiffer side in the rear and a little softer up front for handleing reasons.

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