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Red Lights

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by larry, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. larry

    larry New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I would like to know why the red lights don't change for motorcycles? Every morning I pull up to the one red light that I have to stop at and wait for a few minutes, then drive through it to go on my way. The only time I have seen it change is when another car or truck pull up behind me. My FLTCI must be heavy enough to trip it? Does anyone know? I'd be more than happy to find out the reason I deal with this each day.
  2. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    same problem

    I have the same problem....I have an EGlide Standard...over 800 pounds with my butt on it! :rolleyes: I have heard 2 thoughts and I don't know which is right.....1) weight controlled.....obviously they set it for a car....we are hosed....2) magnet controlled (amount of metal of vehicle with the magnets in the street close the loop....obviously you have to sit EXACTLY on the magnet and HOPE you have enuf metal to close this loop).... I have actually seen sites that sell magnets that you "bolt" to the bottom of your bike...the magnet field created by the one on your bike and the one in the street to trip the light react, light changes for you on your next turn..... I don't know if they work, don't know if that is the reason..... don't know if it is worth the 10-20 bucks for the magnet to see if it works, and worried about the magnet field screwing up my power commander and EFI....(the sites claim safe for the bike??!!) If you find out anything definate I will be eager to hear!!!! :D :cool:
  3. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    I believe that most lights are electric/magnetic controlled now days. I have never heard of fixing a magnet to the bottom of your bike??? And yes, I would not put it anywhere near your electronics, it couldn’t be good for them. I got a ticket for ‘running’ a RED light late one night, I sat at that light for at least two-three minutes, no cars anywhere, so, off I go and then the blue lights. AAHHHHH. Could not talk my way out of it (the ticket).
  4. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    I have the same problem with a certain couple of lights in my town. I waited a full five minutes at one once because I received a previous warning. It still didn't change until a car pulled up behind me.

    Someone I know works for a company that comes in and plans out, manufactures and installs lighting schemes. He told me that some lights are simply timed to change every so often and others are controlled with the magnetic switches. It depends on the traffic in the area and so forth. Ever see those cables draped accross the road for a few weeks? I guess that is how they study the traffic conditions. The magnetic ones sometimes aren't sensitive enough to pick up the relatively small metal mass of a motorcycle compared to a car.

    I have heard of the magnets you can install under your bike but I am skeptical of them. I only see him a couple of times a year since he moved out west but I will try to remember to ask him for his opinion on how they might work.

    Killer B. I would appeal that ticket. You may get a judge that is more sympathetic than the cop that wrote the ticket. Also do a little research on the lights and bring in the documentation. He may be more inclined to believe you that way. If you have a digital camera capable of taking movies, go back to the light and film how long it actually takes compared to cars.

    Here in Massachusetts, the insurance rates are so high it would be aorth a little effort to nix the ticket.
  5. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    I'd appeal that ticket too. I used to wait, then run the red light near my last house in California because even my almost 800 lb Royal Star wouldn't trip it. Complained to the city and not long after my bike would trip the light. They can be adjusted to be more sensitive..so fight the ticket and complain your motorcycle is being discriminated against. Most judges are more sensitive to our plight than cops I've found. I've even beat riding sans helmet in California when I took it to court..though the cop who gave me the ticket and walked out of court with me kept telling me how lucky I was. Hell..I've taken two speeding tickets to court and had them reduced..saving me money.
  6. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Unfortunately I got the ticket a couple of years ago. If it were today, I would have absolutely have fought it, I just did not care too much about it at the time(other then the $$). I did not see the cop but, he was surely waiting for someone and it happened to be me.
  7. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    I got nailed on one of those years ago as well....spent good money too...it should have been on lawyers fighting it.
  8. rose_guy

    rose_guy New Member

    Jun 27, 2004
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    run the light

    Minnesota has a law that allows you to leave a red light if it hasn't changed for a reasonable time. The law doesn't say what a reasonable time is, but it is a good law and I have used it right next to police and they didn't even bat an eye. If your state doesn't have a similar law you should find Minnesotas and propose a similar law to your local state representitive.
  9. larry

    larry New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Thank You,
    The response I have from everyone is great! I am checking into having this one light changed, if they will. I sat there this afternoon after work and until a car came up behind me, the light didn't change until then. I don't dare put a magnet under my bike for fear of something happening to my electrics. Atleast now I know how the lights work.
    Thank You All,
  10. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Did it cost as much as the one you got in Sturgis???? :D

    Duck and run.....
  11. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    Oh yeah, I forgot about that one...the red light was a points infraction..

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