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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by dukeofdirt, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. dukeofdirt

    dukeofdirt New Member

    Dec 7, 2006
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    I'm not sure I understand the "requirement" for rejetting when a K&N stage 1
    and a set of V&H BIG SHOTS are installed on my '04 Road King. What if I
    just left the carb as is? I know one of you guys can make it simple for me.
    Thanks in advance!
  2. wvak47

    wvak47 Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Chas WV
    Stock jetting and opened up pipes and breather equals a lean mix. Hard on motors. Rejetting really isn't that big of a deal. My dumbself managed to work mine out I am sure you can.
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    rejetting is an easy task. the reason for the need to rejet is you are allowing more air into the cylinders, and allowing the spent combustion to leave quicker and more efficiently. im sure you have the manual at hand!!!;) it will be the best tool for this job.
    when you do the stage one change, you are leaning the fuel/air mixture out more than it already is, so you need to change the f/a mixture. i have been messin with harleys a long time..a lot of trial and error. i got a kit from ken( our host of the board, aka "kenfused".) his kit is by far the best i have seen. to get my 06 to my liking, i had to rejet and adjust the needle many times. it took about 2 weeks of riding, teardown, riding...ect. you get the idea. when i recieved kens kit.....one time and it was right on the money, no more lean condition. it had very precise instructions, good pics....anyone could do it......even voodoo!!!:D
    give ken a pm to see if he can get you one of these kits,,,

    i offer this info because it is a good product, i recieve nothing in return. this is not an ad, just some helpful info for folks wanting to rejet, and not have to do it more than once....hope this helps and if ya got any other questions feel free to ask! good luck!:)
  4. dukeofdirt

    dukeofdirt New Member

    Dec 7, 2006
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    Chucktx...I participated in Ken's program as well. Does that mean I've got
    the rejetting done already? I had a local independent do the work but as I
    recall the kit had several jets included and I'm not sure what was used. I am
    happy with the way she runs and my mileage, consistantly at 50 or better. I
    haven't done the K&N and V&H yet but I have the parts and plan to have the
    work done in the next few weeks. Thanks for your input, and by the way...
    are all those babes in your harem???
  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    you need to get with your indy. find out what he did and get the other parts returned to you. get the instructions also. 50mpg seems a bit high to me....check the plugs to see if your are running lean. if kens kit was installed to the specs on the sheet, you should be running rich. ken had a few different kits. they were based on what your running on the bike and how you ride it. i dont know what you asked for. a bit of research needs to be done now, to make sure ya dont burn something from a too lean condition...hope this helps.:)

    and yes, have a folder marked "harem" !!
  6. dukeofdirt

    dukeofdirt New Member

    Dec 7, 2006
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    Chucktx..thanks to you and the other responders. I do have the kit parts
    not used and the instructions, etc. Plugs look OK...I'm a 55-65 mph type.
    Never in much of a hurry, it really is the ride for me as I don't get to "go"
    all that often. That's probably why my mpg is in the 50 range. When I get
    the work done I'll do my best to report back. In re-reading Ken's instructions
    I saw his chart for suggested jet #'s based on the motor and upgrades...that
    should help my indy out alot. It was totally stock when he did the initial installation. Thanks, again,
  7. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    ok, ya an easy rider will get better milage than a twister,,,,didnt know your style!!!! have fun and keep us posted!:)

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