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RevLoc Clutch

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Phillip Rehfuss, Mar 29, 2005.

  1. Phillip Rehfuss

    Phillip Rehfuss New Member

    May 2, 2004
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    Ft. Myers FL.
    While at Daytona Bike Week I ran across the Rev Loc clutch sold by kuryakyn. I was able to meet and talk with the Designer Biulder Doug and Rep Dave {Pickleman}. They showed me the clutch and explailed how it worked.
    Pushing 60 my hands ake from years of wrenching. Being one of the few able to have the clutch instaled at Daytona I am extreemly pleased with it's operation and performance.
    I did have the stall speed lowered to acomadate my style of riding. Then I headed for Main St. for once it was a pleasure to creep along with everybody else ,while never pulling the clutch lever once. Up shifting is a breeze and gearing down no different.
    Ever heard the saying "Try it you'll like it"

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2005
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    I'd say more like extremely lucky to be able to get a prototype pre-production (for H-D's) installed. The KA399 Revloc is not scheduled for release until May so you got real lucky. You can get more information on the design at www.revloc.com I am not sure that I want to give that much control of the clutch over to an automatic unit though.

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