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RevTech 100" EVO valve train noise

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by swwilson77, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. swwilson77

    swwilson77 New Member

    Sep 29, 2008
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    Minooka IL
    :banghead: HISTORY: OK so I have a 100" revtech in my 97 road king - installed in 2003, probably has 25000 miles on it. Since 2004, I have had problem after problem with this engine. Replaced the stator, then had piston ring problems - ended up putting in new pistons and rings and honing the cylinders; then I musta not got it put together right cuz next thing you know, it is pouring out oily smoke whenever I am idling - find out the rings didnt seat right and oil was blowing by. Took it all apart and the jugs were pretty scored up inside - so we got some .030 over pistons and bored out the cylinders; reassembled again, and it was rock solid. For about 6 months. Then one shiny day, it went pfffffffft again. No spark no fire no nuttin - come to find out the pinion shaft sheared off. what? yep - thats what I said - the pinion shaft sheared off. Now mind you, most people at this point think "damn, this guy beats this bike". But I gotta tell ya, I am not very hard on this bike at all. Sure, I twist the throttle now and then, and I dont baby it, but I dont beat it either. So anyway, new crank; crack the cases and redo the bottom end.

    Now on to the current situation:

    :banghead: 500 miles (almost to the mile) after the rebuild, I am ridin along at around 50 mph and I suddenly start hearing noise from the front rocker box. I shut it down, get it home, swear at it profusely (it just sat there and ignored me), and then start trying to figure out what is up.

    :banghead: Symptoms: Front cylinder exhaust valve, you can hear it knocking in the rocker box. Used a stethoscope - you can clearly tell it is from the front exhaust valve. Pulled the push rod tube, and you can shift the push rod about 1/32" by pushin/pullin on it by hand. All the other push rods - you can spin em but cant shift em. When the engine is cold, you can hear it at an idle. As it warms up, you dont hear it unless you are putting a load on the engine (like when you let out the clutch). I changed the oil, no metal or foreign material in the oil.

    :banghead: Initially I thought I had a bad lifter, so I put new lifters in - no change whatsoever. Rocker arms check out OK, no end play problems. Found the front exhaust valve keeper was cracked - replaced it (and checked the valve springs) and that all checks out. reassembled everything again and still no change. I am a little worried that there was that cracked valve keeper - strange that would appear out of the blue . . . but it seems to be coincidence?

    :banghead: So I am thinkin - could I have a worn lobe on my cam? the top end seems to check out, but I am still getting this noise. I cant sell the bike or the engine with a clean conscience at this point. Plus I would like to be able to ride it.

    Any other ideas? I am seriously considering just scrapping this engine - with all the problems I have had with it - and picking up a salvage 80" HD evo so I at least have a bike that runs. I dont need it to be fast. I just want to ride it.

    I am open to suggestion - any ideas, comments, criticisms, off color remarks, or bad jokes are encouraged. my head hurts.


  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I feel for you and could give you an Elbruto 113 story that would make you feel better, if you like....

    Front exhaust on an evo has the worst angle.

    If the pushrod is adjustable then you might need to reset the pushrod to zero lash, let it bleed down and then tighen down the jam nut, it might have backed off a bit.

    You can check the cam area and lobes if you need but it sounds like an out of adjustment pushrod.

    One other thing you can do is get SNS travel limiters, these go inside the hydraulic lifters and basically allow them to hydo at low RPM but under pressure they make the lifters act like solid lifters, so less problems and noise. Any SNS dealer can get them for you.


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