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Revtech 110 primary chain installation

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by MISTERD, Feb 10, 2005.


    MISTERD New Member

    Aug 31, 2004
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    I'm having a problem installing the primary chain. At the compensating sprocket the chain is .070 - .080 further out then at the clutch. This is
    without any shim washers between the the extension shaft and rotor.
    I have checked and rechecked to be sure that the sprocket and extention
    shaft are seated properly and are tighten down. The stator rotor is a
    Spyke 432410 (heavy duty). Between the rotor and stator I am using
    a .090 shim washer which seems to be the rule with most motors. Can
    this be my problem! Help!!
  2. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the style your working with is probably a BDL and non adjustable. If everything was wearing fine before, just get it on there. You need the .010" just to get it on. It will break if it's too tight. I also suggest getting another belt for the shelf. They're not hanging around at the local shop and this won't be the last time it goes. :cool:
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2005
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    .090? Are you sure it is an .090? I list only .001-.021 used as needed to get a less than .030 offset inside or outside.

    I do not remember ever using a .090 on the inner spacer. If you are .070-.080 out and you do have a .090 then use a .010 only.
  4. goliath

    goliath New Member

    Jul 24, 2004
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    misaligned primary chain

    i didnt use a spacer behind the rotor. its beveled. but i did use a 20 between the shaft and the rotor. will this be ok?

    MISTERD New Member

    Aug 31, 2004
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    You are correct. I removed the spacer between the rotor and stator and
    checked the clearances. There is .250 from the end of the rotor to the
    motor and stator wires. I installed the primary chain and took measurements.
    The chain at the comp. socket is now .010-.012 further in then at the clutch.
    Bingo!!! A .010 shim will do the trick. I can't believe the the chain has to
    run that close in tolerance? Thanks :)

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