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RevTech Wheel Problem

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Carolina Biker, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. Carolina Biker

    Carolina Biker New Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    I need some help. I have a solid chrome RevTech wheel on my 2000 Heritage. A couple of weeks ago I started hearing this popping noise. I took my bike to my mechanic who put the wheel on about two years ago. He put a stethoscope on the axle and we both thought it was the wheel bearing. He replaced the bearing and the noise is still there. He took the wheel apart to inspect it. No problems visible. He put my stock wheel back on / no noise. He put the RevTech back on and the noise is still there.

    Does anyone have any ideas why I am getting this noise?

  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Does it pop only under load?

    Does it pop if you just spin the wheel?

    Does it pop if you remove the caliper?

    Does it pop if you remove the belt?

    In other words, you have probably eliminated the axle and bearings (assuming you inspected the axle for being straight right?) If these are ruled out narrow it down more by doing the above.

    Now, if the caliper or pulley is not involved you may well have a crack in the wheel and it will need to be replaced or sent to a business that specializes in wheel repair.
  3. Carolina Biker

    Carolina Biker New Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    Does it pop only under load? A - No, it pops with the wheel off the ground.

    Does it pop if you just spin the wheel? A - Yes.

    Does it pop if you remove the caliper? A - Yes.

    Does it pop if you remove the belt? A - Yes.

    In other words, you have probably eliminated the axle and bearings (assuming you inspected the axle for being straight right?) If these are ruled out narrow it down more by doing the above. A – It does not pop when I put my old wheel on.

    Now, if the caliper or pulley is not involved you may well have a crack in the wheel and it will need to be replaced or sent to a business that specializes in wheel repair.

    A - I was suspicious of a wheel crack, but I cannot see one and that would not explain it pop when I spin the wheel by hand.
  4. CD

    CD Guest

    Hmm, Does it come from the hub area? Can you find the location it pops at and roll it back and forth and it pops either way?
    Given that it does not pop with the old wheel and the same axle I am thinking something in the bub id causing it. What does the pre load spacer look like? Any burrs etc? If you loosen the axle nut does it stop or change the pop? If it does you are close to solving it. When you replaced the bearings did you replace the races? Races do wear and it is best to replace them as bearing and races. The spacers can also cause the popping if one has a lip.

    BTW, can you describe the pop? Loud as in you can hear it while riding? Feel it? Only when shut off?
  5. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    when he put on the original did he put the brake rotor on?

    Could be the rotor warped and hitting or pushing the piston back in on the caliper?

    Put the wheel on without the rotor and see if the noise still exists.

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