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Rigid Front End

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by dlsuiter, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. dlsuiter

    dlsuiter New Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    I have a 74 shovel.I recently put an adjustable rake triple tree on it. After about 5000 miles the lower legs seemed to freeze up. I haven't tore it apart yet, but I have a theory as to what happened. When I put the new triple tree.on it I kicked it out 6 degrees. I think that the wear pattern was established for the stock rake on the bushings. When I changed the rake, I also changed the wear pattern. Seeing how I have a lot of miles on the lowers I think I put the bushing to tube in a bind. I'm going to be tearing it apart in the near future. Luckily I have another bike to ride while I work on my shovel. I would like to know if my theory makes sense. I would like to hear about any other theories. anybody has. Thanks to anyone that responds in advance.
  2. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Sound like you have a good handle on it. You probably need to freshen-up / rebuild your front-end. It will cost lest than $100 bucks, (if your tube are good) and thats with some new progessive springs up front. Did you say 6 degree tree's??? Pheew-boy, you best check your trail,,, here is a calculator. : http://www.rbracing-rsr.com/rakeandtrail.html

    Good luck and be careful.

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