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Rinehart by Bub Exhaust pipes

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Ed1951, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. Ed1951

    Ed1951 New Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Hi – I bought a set of Rinehart by Bub Exhaust pipes (from directparts.com) for my 2000 FLHTCUI Harley Davidson.
    They went on perfect, look & sound good too.

    However, they now present a service dilemma that perhaps you are or may not be aware of?

    With the “stock” pipes, in order to get into the derby cover to adjust the clutch, all you had to do, was remove the passenger foot rest using a 5/16” hex head tool in order to access the torque screw (‘s) on the 5 torque screw cover plate.

    However, the new Rinehart by Bub Exhaust pipes extend out to a point that the exhaust pipe completely blocks access to the 5/16” hex head bolt in order to remove the passenger foot rest.

    It appears that the only way to gain access to this bolt is to completely remove the entire exhaust assembly from the back head, so you can gain access to remove the footrest thereby being able to remove the derby cover and service the clutch.

    This is quite a pain in the butt to have to go through this every time if you know what I mean?

    Perhaps you know of some other way that this can be done without having to remove entire exhaust?
    If you do, I would greatly appreciate your insight / assistance.
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    No If it covers the bolt then you won't have a choice, I recal that on the touring Evo I had the foot board was in the way of the derby cover, You could go to a set of pegs on the rear.

    You shouldn't have to adjust the clutch all that often so RTS
  3. shovel66

    shovel66 New Member

    Oct 21, 2004
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    Virginia Beach
    floor board bolt

    Just going through old posts while I'm sitting in class. I have a 2004 FLHTI that I also put the Rinehart true duals on (from Direct parts also). I don't know if anything has changed from this problem you experienced, but I can access the left rear passenger mount polt with a "L" shaped ball-tip hex key going into the bolt from slightly forward of the exhaust parallel with the floorboard when folded down. I can't get it with even a socket ball hex bit with an extension, but the above works just fine for me. If the bolt is tight, you may have to use a vice grip or equivelant to turn the key. I know this is an extremely late post, but didn't know if and how you resolved this issue.
  4. BobcatHD

    BobcatHD New Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    Solution for Rinehart Pipes on Touring models

    I have an '03 FLHTCI with the Rinehart exhaust system. Even with the stock floorboards, you still had to remove the entire bracket/board to get to one of the derby torx screws.

    With the Rinehart pipes on, the rear cylinder exhaust pipe blocks direct access to the 5/16" hex head on the bracket for the passenger floorboard.

    There is only one solution to this problem. Leaving it alone with cause excessive wear on the hex allen head and removal of the rear pipe is a pain every time you need to remove the derby cover.

    Solution: Buy the chrome passenger peg brackets from Harley which cost too much at $109.00 (PN#50198-97A) Fits all '93 later FLT, FLHT,FLHS, FLHR and '98 later FLTR models. This is page 397 of the '04-'05 catalog from Harley. Of course you will need to buy male ended passenger pegs with this. If another company makes these brackets, then you can buy from them as well. Good Luck :)
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2004

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