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rocker cover gaskets

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Cemoto, Feb 14, 2006.

  1. Cemoto

    Cemoto New Member

    Feb 14, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Can anyone give me some advice on which gaskets are the best to replace existing gaskets with: cork or rubber. I have a 1986 FLHTC that has an oil leak coming from both the front and rear rocker covers and will be replacing the gaskets soon. I ride mostly in a desert and very hot climate so I want the gaskets to last as long as possible. Any help or suggestions are welcome. Thanks
  2. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    I'm not sure if they make them for an 86 EVO, but I think the best are the metal gaskets that are now used in the twin cam motors.

    Cometic makes a line of the metal gaskets... maybe they have something for you.

    Just checked for you...they do have them:

  3. CD

    CD Guest


    We carry the full Cometic and James gasket line. Personally I have had better experience with rubber and properly tightened. On problem leakers I have used a thin film of Hondabond on each side and let set 24 hours.
    Drop a note to sales@directparts.com for info.

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