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Rough idle on dresser

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Ken Burks, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. Ken Burks

    Ken Burks New Member

    Mar 1, 2005
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    I recently removed a EV3 cam and installed a EV13 on my 91 dresser .Before the change the bike ran fine.I have a compu-fire single fire ign.and Mikuni 42mm carb.Now the bike idles poorly when I hook up the v.o.e.s.Whay could be causing this.My compression is 150 front and rear.What could be the problem.
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    What RPM is it rough at?
    Does it smooth out as RPM increases?
    When does the VOES close? i.e. How many inches of vacuum?
    What is the engine pulling for vacuum at idle?
    Is the Compu Fire set for VOES or No VOES?
    Have you checked for intake leaks?
    Have you checked base timing?
    Did you go from non VOEs to VOES?

    Details, more details.

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