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Rt. 60 conditions through the Kanawha Valley WV

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Hanuman, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. Hanuman

    Hanuman New Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    Kanawha Valley, WV
    Since the weather has gotten better and more folks are hitting the road I thought I'd take a moment to let everyone here know that Rt. 60 through the Kanawha Valley and up to Gauley Mountain is currently a mine field. There are numerous pot holes big enough to eat a wheel scattered randomly up and down the length of the valley.

    Rt. 60 seems to be a popular road for riders this time of year and it's currently a mess. Particularly bad sections include the 4 lane through Quincy and Cedar Grove. I haven't travelled over Gauley Mountain for about a month so I cant give a report on the conditions on the mountain but I've heard they aren't great.

    Be careful passing through here folks. I dont want to scare people away but it does merit some caution in a few places.

    We get a lot of riders heading through on Memorial day weekend and I doubt there will be much road work before then.

    I'll post again if I notice any changes.
  2. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    Used to run run that route before they got the tollroad in and it was a real bitch even with good weather. My trailer only had 4" ground clearance and used to drag on every switchback until I got to the narrows. But I enjoyed it.
    Keep us posted - Might want to run it on the bike one of these days when the OL and I go to see her family. She's from the Panhandle area.

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