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S&S 88 ci

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by cowboy, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    My son has a 96 model S&S EVO 88 & after it set for about a week it will puke oil out of the by pass hose look's like about half a QT , anybody everseen this before some one told him this is normal for the S&S motor :confused: I have knowen some guys who ride the S&S motors & they don't do this , any ideas will help thanks
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    yup, normal and it has been happening since 03. what it is called is wet sumping....oil from the tank eases by the by check valve and gathers in the crankcase. the longer it sets, the more bypasses. to cure the problem, if you deem it a problem is to replace/rebuild the check valve.....or leave it and remember it will do it and place a pan under it.....flattys,knucks,pans, shovels, evos will do this....twinkies dont as they have a redesigned pump. hope this helps
  3. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Alvin TX
    Thank's chuckTx , as I was reading your reply , My son called me so I read it to him , say's for now he will have to live with it ( new baby due next month)
  4. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    it really isnt an issue if it is riddin regulary....just when setting for a long period. on my 65 pan i rode it reg. for over 20 years with no wet sumping problems, now that i have the 06 i ride it most of the time, and when starting the pan, about once a month or so, it will "puke" a bit of oil......tell him to be sure to check the oil bag once it finishes puking, it will need more oil........
  5. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    checktx Thank's I used to have a 73 shovel & it never did it , In fact after I went throunh it it never even leaked oil intell I took it out to a 110 in & tried to ride it on a 1k road trip , made the trip bet blew some seal;s out & redone it down to a 86? in & rode it for many more years , his bike run's good we took a 700 mile trip just a few months back , it just pukes after setting about a week & he keep's up on the oil
  6. Texas Road Glide

    Texas Road Glide New Member

    May 23, 2006
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    Galveston, Texas
    when we goin ridin?????????

    me an the mrs's, rode up to the big city of rye texas,
    (population 873 yeah hi!!!)on saturday.
    took 146 the whole way,what an awasome ride that was......
    i plan on putting my bike back in the shop next week, that is if i get my truck back on monday. gonna have my bike re-geared. when i bought this bike it had a trailer, so i am thinking he had it geared to pull a trailer. i noticed yesterday if i wanted to cruise 65 mph,the tach was running around 4000 rpms, so i am gonna have geared to where it runs like 3000 rpms at 70 mph!!!

    cowboy, i try to ride somewhere every weekend, usally with know paticular place to go, just get on an start ridin, hanging head in shame. all though this weekend we took a trip to chuck's.......i could talk for hours about his homestead, what he has is a peice of heven, stashed in the middle of no where......
    thinking....... we might could meet up with him, and go from there,
    i remeber chuck saying somthing about being to old (smirkin cause he's not) for camping. what about you cowboy???
    the reason i ask this, is my son is willing to tow my pop up camper anywhere we want.....thinking to myself, self lake livingston would be a great meet up point.
    anyway its just a thought. somthing to think about......

  7. ReeseSS

    ReeseSS New Member

    Dec 9, 2006
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    Cape Coral, Florida
    Hey Chucktx, like Cowboy said, it happens. The check valve is just a single ball bearing sitting in a mated seat. The theory is the weight of the oil presses the ball into the seat preventing oil from going by it. The reality is even well mated surfaces will let oil by if it sits ahwile. Problem is worse if ball or seat gets pitted or debris gets on seat. There is a repair procedure if not a good seal, it involves removing oil pump cap and blocking oil feed line, removing the ball with a magnet. Then spot weld a welding rod to the ball and using valve lap compound on the ball, lap it back and forth between your hands spinning it pressed against the seat just like seating a valve. Of course clean it up real well when done and replace the ball with a new one. But again even with a good seat, over enough time oil will get by. Regular start ups pump the extra oil that has got in the crank case, back up where it belongs.
  8. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    ResseSS, I was the local beer joint yesterday & talked to a engine builder & he told me the same thing you posted :cool: so with two people telling me the same thing on the fix where going to try it Thank's to all who answered
    Tgr I realy can't plan on any good riding , I have three grand kids that live with us till there 18 acording to the court paper's , & the two older one's are alway's in trouble with the law or just being stuped here can't trust them at all I do try to get away on sunday's for a ride & end up at cruiser's for a cold one , & look at all the other bikes & BS with some of the rider's , most of them are easy to talk to
  9. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    where is cruisers???? back in the day i used to hang out at murphys on main in lamarque.......
  10. Texas Road Glide

    Texas Road Glide New Member

    May 23, 2006
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    Galveston, Texas
    cruisers, is located in santa fee.it is located at the corner of 646 and 2004,
    very cool place. the people are laid back, and it has an open area bar,so you can look at the bikes watch the peope........
    smirking, its ok cowboy may be i could meet up with you at cruisers, buy ya cold one. shoot the bull...........


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