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Se Ignition

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by akdz143, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. akdz143

    akdz143 Member

    Oct 1, 2008
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    I just purchased a se ignition and coil for my 2002 flhtc(carb).The bike is basically stock.I have a high flow kit and 2 into 1 pro pipe.My question is -is it o.k to install this ignition or not? Will it screw up my timing? The directions were kind of contadictary.
  2. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2008
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    Cape Breton NS,Canada
    If the SE modules are the same as the Evo ones they have the same advance curve as stock modules, just raises the rev limiter on them. It won't screw up your timing. Is it an adjustable ignition module?? then you choose an advance curve to suit your build, there would be 4 settings. 1st would be quickest rise to full advance,2nd a little slower and so on.:devil:

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