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shift linkage not returning

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by nik, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. nik

    nik New Member

    Mar 3, 2006
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    yeah i was wondering if anyone had done much work on the older 4 speed transmissions. i have a 72 big twin and the shift linkage is not returning after i shift. i was wondering if this is fixable without pulling the transmission or primary and inner primary. if anyone has information on this subject it would be appreciated. thanks
  2. Hogdog

    Hogdog Active Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    shift linkage

    I just rebuilt my linkage on Earnestine (89 Ultra). What a job!!! Primary cover and case has to come off and guess what, the last item left in the transmission case after you completely disassemble tranmission will be the shifter shaft. The shifter shaft "spacer" is really a bushing and has to be pressed out of the tranny case and replaced. The shifter shaft and springs should also be replaced. Take a close look at shifter pawl and replace if worn. Inspect the knurled part of the linkage lever for a tight fit, if not tight replace it. I also replace the forward shifter shaft and bushings. The most difficult part is replacing the shifter shaft "spacer" in the tranny, I posted (Shifter shaft replacement) a while back the method and tool design that worked well for me. Guarenteed you are going to see some marvelous engineering feats!!!

    Good Luck
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    nik.....be sure to have your manual as you dissasemble your primary to get to the shift linkage. i know you have it right??? ;) your trans will be a bit different from a 89 ultra altho a bit similiar. it is not a hard repair, if you follow along with the manual......

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