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Shipping effect

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by AFNurse, Apr 4, 2005.

  1. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    As most of you already have figured out, I am stationed in Germany. I am due to move back to the states around 1 July. At the end of June, I will be shipping my 04 E-Glide Standard EFI..... The 2 things that I must do for shipping are: 1. Drain the gas (my manuals went in my household goods, so if you have the procedures for this I would appriciate it!) and 2. Unhook the battery. Unhooking the battery is easy enuf....here is the question that I have in regards to that..... My bike has the factory installed alarm, and I have turned it on/activated it. When I disconnect the battery, then 2 months later hook it back up, WHAT WILL BE THE EFFECT????? Will the FOB work? does the system turn itself off? Does it stay effective and LOCK up due to power disconnect (and if this happens, does the FOB continue to work)?? Any help on this topic is appriciated as it is causing me some concern for what will eventually become a fact..... :rolleyes: Thanks!

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