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Shove Your Tax

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by SPORSTERBOY, Feb 14, 2008.


    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
    Likes Received:
    spokane, wa.
    Why Is It That You Can Be Married Or Single And Pay Your As$ In Tax All Year, File Correctly All Year And Still Owe These Sharks. So Mean While Joe Blow Pays Sh*t All Year, Has A Kid Or Two And Gets A Big Fat Return. So Does The Irs Indorse Having Kids. So Why Doesn't Some Congresschump Come Up With A Law To Even Things Out For Us No-crumbsnatchin Coralers And Single Folks. I Guess It Wouldn't Be Such A Bitc& If I Had Some Kids. So Instead Of Pay'n The Irs I've Decided To Indipendently Fund Someone Else Kids Every Year On A Rotation Basis. Please Contact Me If You Are Interested In Applying. There Is A One Time Fee Of A { Go Screw Yourself Charge } Of Course I Know My Money Goes To Better Things Like Tolit Seats And Such. I Guess If I Was A Law Maker Make'n Big Fat Checks I Wouldn't Care Either.
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    remember before bushes tax cuts it was worse for families,

    Single people got a full deduction but if you got married your and your spouses deduction was reduced, even though the total deduction was higher than the single, it was still lower than if the married couple were single.

    Something like $1000 per person single $1500 married, it was called the marriage penalty, oh and BTW don't get to upset, the cost of raising a kid is a shidt load more than the cost of condoms and scotch at the local bar :D
  3. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    hit a nerve there sportster boy,:rant: I have 4 kids and wanted every one of them, dutyfully paid my tax work my ass off every year 16-18 hrs a day when there, supply them with insurance, school needs, and ain't getting rich, but love it, and I usually over pay so that I don't pay at the end of the year, but when I had a small busness I paid 9-10 gs every year in support of every single and married stiff out there and didn't complain, never have I asked or needed anothers assistance, but I do pay an acct 80.00 bucks a year to keep me from paying and get me some back if possible, I would recommend before blaming families with children for your misfortunes you might invest in an accountant. a good one. you will probably stop supporting the hardtimers, drugges, unwed (single) matteress backs, lowlife losers(that can be single), etc. and yes they are tax deductable too. now go ride and enjoy, oh yea your bike is apart, doing an rebuild, sorry that isn't tax deductable. OK I'm done, and how is the rebuild going any way?:D
  4. fireitup

    fireitup New Member

    Dec 18, 2006
    Likes Received:
    what tax break for kids

    Raised four children on my own, at times did three jobs to do it. Got jack squat back. Considering. "give to caesar what is caesar's" the devil takes care of his own you know.:devil:

    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
    Likes Received:
    spokane, wa.
    Venting, Not Intended To Afend. Just Wanted To Bring Up Our F&^k Up Tax Process. Not Like I Even Owed Much, Less Than Fifty Bucks. It Was The Point Of Still Having To Pay. Kids Might Be Great, Can't Say I Would Want To Have Any, Can't Anyway. Had Enough Of That With Raising My Wife's Son, Son. Kinda Like My Life Style The Way It Is.
  6. skull2007

    skull2007 Active Member

    Feb 5, 2007
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    middleburg, pa
    Make it simple

    we all pay to much: rich, poor with or w/o kids:rant:
  7. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    Amen to that brother....

    Wow Fire, I had no idea you were doing all that...Good for you being able to stand on your own. Be proud of yourself cause you're one of the few that can do it!

    BTW sporsterboy, I pay every year and I got 2 kids, What I pay every year in taxes would probably choke some people. Between the "self-employment tax" and income tax, etc, etc, I cringe every year. I do pay in extra to the legalized extortion ring (aka IRS) just to cut down on my liability at the end. Here's something to make your ba**s shrink up. There were a couple years there where I was told by my accountant that I owed 15K, one year 6K, and last year like 3.5K. AND, I ain't living in no mansion or anything. I guess it's all part of the deal, that's all. I would still live in the USA anyday regardless, even though I think taxes are outrageous.

    Hopefully your project is going well, it looks great so far!

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