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Sloooow air leak

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by AZroaddust, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. AZroaddust

    AZroaddust New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    My XLH sat for almost a month in my garage over the holidays. It actually got down into the 30's, so it was cold while we were gone.

    When I got back my rear tire was almost flat. I have my own compressor, so put it back to 40 psig this AM and it's been there all day. I'll keep watching.

    I inspected for nails, cuts, valve leakage, etc., but the tire still looks brand new. I think it was new when I bought it, so suspect it may not have been properly seated? (I bought this from a widow. Her husband passed away after doing all sorts of neat things including putting on new tires, and I don't think it ever got ridden very much after that).

    If it continues as a slow leak, the cause of which cannot be definitly identified, are there any caveats to adding some of that stuff sold in cans to seal leaks? (i.e - will it cause the tire to "glue" to the rim hindering future removal)?

    I don't want to Mickey Mouse this situation, but I really can't identify the source of the leak. What if I over-presure the tire to maybe 50 psi and haul ass down the freeway at 100 MPH? Will that seat the tire? (Sort of joking on that, but sorta 1/2 serious too)!

    Oh yes, this is a tubless tire on a cast rim.

    Thanks in advance for any relevant input!
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    dont add any"stuff" to the inside of the tire....most gets pretty nasty on the inside and may cause unbalance. all tires loose air, there is not a perfect seal. when you bought it did you air the tires up?? they may have been low from the getgo. if you suspect a leak, get a spray bottle and add some dish detergent and water to it, get the wheel off the ground, and soap the crap out of it and slowly spin the wheel. look for bubbles. pay close attention to the bead/seal, valve stem, where the spokes enter the rim. if the bike dowsnt get ridden alot and being as cold as it is, the tire will lose more air than if ridden and in the heat of the summer. it would not be unuseual to loose 5 lbs or so in a couple of weeks in the winter time. hope this helps
  3. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    adding any of the goo is good for off-road bikes but it can also ruin a rim on a cast so I would follow chucks advice.
  4. AZroaddust

    AZroaddust New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    Thanks, Gents. My birthday is coming up so I'll let the wife buy me motorcycle jack so I can get both it's feet off the ground! Soap it up I will. (The tire)

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